Sunday 6 September 2015

Where the Breakdown in Family is Leading Us - The Trumpet Daily

No society can survive the destruction of the God-ordained institution of family

Family life in the Western world is broken. Why is that? And where is this leading? The very foundation of any stable civilization is a solid family structure. That means today’s civilization, with its foundation disintegrating, is itself on the way out!

“The crisis in the family has implications that extend far beyond the walls of the home,” Time magazine warned 45 years ago. The article quoted the founder of the American Institute of Family Relations as saying, “No society has ever survived after its family life deteriorated” (December 28, 1970).

In 1985, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in a Good News article, “The very foundation of any stable civilization is a solid family structure. Nothing in this material world is as important as a happy home life with father, mother and well-taught happy children—a close-knit family”

What happens when a society abandons family values? Take a look at the Western world today.

An effort is gaining ground to create a world where not just “sexual orientation,” but sex itself, is a choice. Where boys can be girls and girls can be boys, or something in between. Where people are expected to ignore the biological reality of sex so that all people coexist androgynously, or according to whatever gender suits them at the moment. Where everyone pretends that gender confusion is normal, if not desirable, and anyone who doesn’t play along can be punished and silenced.

This demonstrates unprecedented contempt for reality and common sense, let alone morality. To understand the scope of these intensifying efforts—and what they mean for society—make sure to watch the Trumpet Daily: “Where the Breakdown in Family is Leading Us.”

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