Thursday 10 September 2015

Europe’s Immigration Crisis: A Clash of Civilizations

The immigration crisis is already pushing Europe in this direction. As Trumpet columnist Brad Macdonald noted last week, that crisis is not going away any time soon. The next major terrorist attack will only add to the enormous pressures that are already building.

This crisis is going to change Europe’s foreign policy. But more fundamentally, it is going to help transform the very culture of Europe—its modern identity as a liberal, secure, tolerant and generally easy-going continent.

This crisis is as big and transformative as Europe’s economic crisis. The economic crisis put the Continent’s economy under a strain not seen in its modern history. That crisis is not over and it is already in the process of transforming Europe’s economy. The migrant crisis is the greatest challenge for Europe’s culture and society since the fall of the Berlin Wall—and maybe since the end of World War II. It will transform that culture and society.

Religion will play a great part in the solution to that crisis. It’s hard to foresee exactly how—just as it would have been hard to foresee Muslims turning Christian in order to incur the death penalty—but it is too deeply embedded in the crisis to not play a role.

The best way to get a sense of what comes next, is to understand Europe’s history, especially its Christian roots. We’ve just produced a brand new book on this subject. Order your free copy of The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy by clicking here.

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