Monday 30 May 2016

Proving the Truth About Sex

Exposing lies that are ruining young people’s lives

You and your peers are being lied to. Deliberately, boldly, repeatedly. By people who say they want to help you. But their lies are destroying many young people just like you.
Who is lying to you? Health educators. What are they lying about? Sex.
These educators are feeding students misinformation that makes young people think they are safe when they indulge in high-risk sexual behaviors. They are depriving people of the facts!
One study shows that when a teenage girl is sexually active, she is more than three times as likely to be depressed—and nearly three times likelier to have attempted suicide! Sexually active teen boys are eight times likelier to try to kill themselves.
Will sex ed teachers tell you that? Not likely. They are committed to ideas that reject Christian teaching on sex and marriage—so committed that they cover up truths that prove them wrong.
Someone called “Anonymous M.D.” has exposed these lies in her book, Unprotected. She is an Ivy League-trained psychiatrist working at a prestigious American university. The thousands of people she treats are bright students—but their lives are physical, emotional and spiritual disaster zones.
She calls herself “Anonymous M.D.” because she knows that if other psychiatrists and sex educators find out who she is, they will persecute her.
This book describes the hormone oxytocin that is released in a female’s body during sexual activity and while nursing a baby. God designed this hormone to benefit a married woman: It is proven to increase a woman’s attachment, devotion and trust for her husband and her nursing child. What does this hormone do when it is released during premature sexual relationships? It boosts a young woman’s emotional attachment and trust to a young man who has no intention of ever loving her and providing for her! She is left vulnerable and devastated with heartache!
Did you know that millions of college students are contracting sexually transmitted diseases? They have been taught that they can have “safe sex,” so they are engaging in terribly risky sexual activity, thinking they will be fine. Yet even while these young people get these gross infections, educators downplay the proven harmful, sometimes incurable, and even fatal health effects of stds!
Health center pamphlets say such infections are “very common … almost everyone gets [one] at some time. [H]aving only a single lifetime partner does not assure protection. [A]nyone who has ever had sexual relations has a high chance of being exposed to this virus.”
Can you detect the horrendous lies in these statements? Some stds, including hiv, almost only affect people who engage in unnatural sex acts. Also, the younger a woman is when she becomes sexually active, the more vulnerable to infection she is. However, some people simply won’t accept theseproven facts because that means they have to change their behavior!
Don’t believe these lies! Believe the Creator and designer of sex, who tells you how and when to use it in a way that will be healthy and good and will protect you from the agony these young people are suffering.
You don’t need to fear these diseases—if you obey God’s law! That means waiting to have sex until you are married, and marrying someone else who waited until marriage.
Anyone who believes God’s laws are “done away” should honestly consider the curses plaguing young people who break them.
These professionals also ignore the fact that stds can make people infertile—unable to have children. Apparently these people are concerned only with preventing parenthood; they don’t care about ensuring a woman can have children when she wants them.
Unprotected also speaks of the pain suffered by women and men who decide to abort their babies. Many experience symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder for years after they kill their unborn child. For some, this pain grows over time. Still, pregnant young girls who go to a professional counselor don’t hear these facts. They are told that murdering a fetus is a simple procedure like a tonsillectomy.
These lies are destroying people, sabotaging students’ educations, and creating emotional and spiritual wrecks.
What do you think God thinks about these lies? He says He is wrathful against the “wickedness of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth” (Romans 1:18; Revised Standard Version).
Young people: Please reject these lies! Don’t bet your future on what a sex ed teacher says or what your friends think is safe. Look at the facts. Think hard about why the Creator of sex has given you laws about it. Think about the students at God’s schools, and how they can receive true education, unpolluted by the distracting and destructive trysts and dangerous “experimental” behavior that other students are suffering from.
You need the facts. You need to remain committed to obeying God’s sex laws and to rejecting sexual sins. The facts prove that God’s eternal, beautiful, simple spiritual laws still produce happy, healthy lives today.
Right now, a teen is heartbroken because of what she let a guy do to her. Another is crying in pain because of his std. Another feels like a murderer because of her abortion. This is happening by the millions. But if you dump the lies and embrace God’s laws on sex, this doesn’t have to be you.

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