Friday 6 May 2016

Why Is the Pope Meddling in American Politics?

A Woman in Prophecy

Revelation 17 describes a striking spectacle: a woman “with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication” (verse 2).
Key portions of the Bible are written in symbol. The Bible is full of passages where God uses a physical object to portray a spiritual truth or concept. For example, Jesus Christ called Himself the bread of life; the Holy Spirit is symbolized by water; angels are referred to as stars; and so on.
In biblical symbolism, a woman is a type of a church. You can see this in passages like Ephesians 5, which pictures the relationship between Christ and His true Church as being like that between a husband and wife. Revelation 12 describes this same Church as a woman who was forced to flee into the wilderness for 1,260 days—picturing a 1,260-year period when the Church that Christ founded had to go into hiding to escape persecution. Later in this chapter, that Church is described as being supernaturally protected from a satanic attack in the very end time.
The woman in Revelation 17 is not the true Church of God, which is described as being a radiant woman in white linen (e.g. Revelation 12:1; 19:7-8). This woman is a “great whore … arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication,” and “drunken with the blood of the saints” (Revelation 17:1, 4, 6). This pictures a great and mighty false church.
This church holds significant political influence with “the kings of the earth.” Such a description could only apply to one church in human history—a church that has exercised power over many great leaders, that has been deeply enmeshed in national politics and international affairs.
If you want to know how God sees it when an organization that claims to represent Him mixes itself in with the politics of this evil, satanic world, think deeply about the way those relationships are characterized in this chapter of Revelation!
The Bible exposes this church as fornicating with the kings of the Earth! I realize that such a statement requires abundant proof. And abundant proof exists! We will gladly send you a free copy of our book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy, which shows step by step how the prophecies about this organization were fulfilled during the last 2,000 years of history—and how even more are being fulfilled right now!
And the greatest horror ever is imminent!

An Attack on America

When this biblical truth is viewed alongside Pope Francis’s recent activities and statements, it becomes clear why this should deeply concern us all. But most people are asleep to the danger.
Fifty or 60 years ago, no pope would have dared say some of the things this pope has said. Intervening in America’s political system would have provoked a major backlash. Today, it has stirred little more than amused talk about Donald Trump versus the pope.
“Opposition of Protestant bodies in America and Europe and Britain to Roman Catholicism is melting away,” wrote Herbert W. Armstrong back in 1961. “There is much talk of cooperation. THAT IS HIGHLY SIGNIFICANT!” (Plain Truth, October 1961). That trend has rapidly accelerated in recent years. In America, Protestant opposition to the pope has melted away to a dramatic degree. The Catholic Church is making great strides in unifying different Christian groups in Europe.
Other biblical prophecies reveal that the United States is in grave danger! Believe it or not, Satan the devil is unleashing a multipronged attack on what has until recently been the most powerful single nation in history. He is working within the population by encouraging sin and perversion. He is turning factions within our people against one another, stirring hatred and violence that are tearing us apart. He is working from within the nation through leaders that are destroying America’s values and embracing lawlessness and corruption. At the same time, he is fomenting hatred among America’s enemies, empowering them to aggressively work against the nation’s interests.
Through all of these means, the devil is working to cripple this once-great nation and bring it to its knees.
And when the time is right, he will inspire a new global superpower to deliver the knockout blow!
“If you look at the whole story in biblical prophecy, you see that Satan has a three-pronged attack,” I wrote in my free booklet America Under Attack. “First, he attacks God’s Church. Second, he tears down the values within the nations of Israel. Finally, he will bring the Holy Roman Empire to destroy those nations in the Great Tribulation. That is Satan’s master plan for destroying spiritual and physical Israel!”
Biblical prophecy reveals the mortal threat that a Vatican-inspired, unified Europe will pose to the United States in the near future.
America’s values are all but destroyed. The final phase is nearly here! Bible prophecy shows us the Catholic Church will have a huge role in creating and guiding the reborn Holy Roman Empire rising in Europe.
The pope is making an extremely dangerous foray into American politics. Bible prophecy shows us how dangerous this institution is. When it makes a power play like this, we must sit up and pay attention, and recognize the seriousness of the times! 

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