Saturday 7 May 2016

The Bible's Bloodiest Book - The Trumpet Daily


Why is the book of Judges the bloodiest book in the Bible? Judges follows right after the book of Joshua, a book about the successes and victories of the Israelites conquering the Promised Land. Why is there such a stark contrast between these two books? What happened that caused the period of the judges to be such a low point for Israel?
Ancient Israel’s success depended on how close it was to its great Creator God. It depended on God’s help and intervention. Each time it moved away from God—breaking His law and ignoring His government—it entered terrible times.
When ancient Israel rejected God’s rule, it resulted in every man doing what seemed right in his own eyes. It resulted in nearly 400 years of suffering, death and destruction. One of the pivotal lessons from the book of Judges is that when human beings reject God’s law and government, it leads to division and strife.
What happened in the Old Testament is New Testament teaching. These things in the Old Testament were written for us today. God expects us to learn from these examples so we don’t fall into the same pain and suffering. This message is more relevant today than ever before!

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On this episode of the Trumpet Daily, we examine the important history in the book of Judges—history that God says is for us today!

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