Saturday 7 May 2016

The Mystery of Evil Spirits


Why are human beings evil? Why do people hate one another? Why do we cheat each other? Why do people turn into predators and monsters? Why do our nations commit genocide and war? Where does this come from? The Bible teaches that the evil plaguing human beings is inspired by evil spirit beings. Could this be true? Find out next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

You live in an evil world. And the evil that so deeply infects mankind is becoming almost impossible to ignore. Where can you turn to understand where this evil comes from, and how to fight it?
Request your free reprint, “The Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits.” “The Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits” contains chapter 2 from Mystery of the Ages, by Herbert Armstrong. This chapter will introduce you to what the Bible says about the spirit world. Do angels and demons exist? Is Satan the Devil real? Can he influence human beings? If so, how? Can human beings resist evil spiritual influence? Can they even identify it? You will find answers to all of these questions in “The Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits.”
Also request Gerald Flurry’s booklet, Colossians: First Century Parallels. This booklet will show you specific prophecy and specific recent history that shows not only that evil spirits exist, but what they are doing. Colossians will show you what the Apostle Paul says about evil spirits—and the only way you can avoid being deceived and enslaved by them. It will reveal to you Satan the Devil’s strategy for taking over God’s own Church and forcing people to worship him. Request Colossians—and prove it to yourself from the pages of your own Bible.

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:
Learn more about Gerald Flurry here:

All our literature is available free of charge, with no cost or obligation to you. Request Colossians and “The Mystery of Angels at

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