Saturday 14 May 2016

What Christ Is Doing Now

Traditional Christianity pictures Jesus Christ as a weak, marred figure dying on a cross. But is our Savior alive today? If so, what is He doing? Jesus Christ is not only risen, He is working! Discover how His role as High Priest today can affect your life. Next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Many believe they know the definition of faith, but so few actually possess it. Request our free booklet, What Is Faith?, by Herbert W. Armstrong. Get answers to your prayers. Free your mind from fear and worry. Build a life-changing relationship with your High Priest, a perfect spiritual Being who WANTS to help you through your trials and tests. What Is Faith?, by Herbert W. Armstrong, will give you a thorough and complete understanding of this often-misunderstood subject.

Do you want to know God better? To do so, you have to know not only what He is doing now, but what He has done in the past. Request our free reprint article “God in Prehistory” to understand how God has existed for all eternity, without a starting point. Learn about the two God Beings—God and the Word—and their relationship with human beings like us. Learn about their dazzling glory, their perfect character, and how they want to recreate their character in YOU. Study this eye-opening article: “God in Prehistory.”
Request What Is Faith? and “God in Prehistory,” and you will also receive our free reprint article about Melchisedec. This intriguing individual knew Abraham, who paid his tithes to this King of Salem. What made this king special? Prove for yourself who this transcendent King really was: the immortal, eternal Word of God. And find out why He is so interested in mankind.

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:

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