Sunday 31 July 2016

Europe's Summer of Hate


Europe is on edge. The time line of terror in Europe is leading to a clash of epic proportions. Originally aired on radio July 27, 2016.

Netanyahu’s Dangerous Arab Outreach

Prophesied Outcome?

Of course, the smart people in charge of Israel’s foreign policy recognize this reality as well and undoubtedly would argue that they will cooperate while they can—especially considering the greater danger facing them with Iran’s rise.
Psalm 83 AllianceAnd while Iran does pose the greatest threat to Israel, Bible prophecy says that it is not Iran that will strike down Israel—rather it will be most of the nations it is currently aligning with. An alliance of nations is mentioned in Psalm 83:5-8 that includes Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states, as well as Turkey, Jordan and Germany. The proceeding verses tell us what really motivates this alliance:
They have taken crafty counsel against your people, and consulted against your hidden ones. For they have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one [heart]: they are confederate against you!
This mysterious alliance desires Israel’s downfall and will work to that end—it is in their unchanged collective heart to do so. But notice also part of their strategy is to take “crafty counsel” against Israel. Putting this together with other prophecies found in the book of Hosea, and we can see that this alliance performs a great act of treachery against Israel. And treachery can only be perpetrated against an assumed ally. Please read “A Mysterious Alliance” byTrumpet editor Gerald Flurry to understand more details about this treacherous alliance now forming against Israel, as well as its surprising hope-filled end.

Friday 29 July 2016

Watch and Pray - The Trumpet Daily


Toward the end of His ministry, Jesus Christ delivered a tremendous prophecy from the Mount of Olives. It’s recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. It’s an earthshaking message that was prompted by the disciples’ question: “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3). They wanted to know what world conditions would be like just before Jesus returns to this Earth!

And Jesus told them! And after telling them about what would happen in great detail, Christ said, Now you make sure you watch world events and pray always—draw closer to God—so that you might escape what’s coming and be able to stand before the Son of man at His return.

In other words, our attitude about the return of Christ—our excitement about those signs He has given us—says a lot about our spiritual lives! On today’s program, we’ll examine Christ’s command to watch and pray.
Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio. 

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He Was Right - The Trumpet Daily

Herbert W. Armstrong was one of the most prominent religious leaders of the 20th century. He was watched, read and followed by millions of people worldwide. At the time of his death in 1986, the newsmagazine he founded was produced in seven languages and had a global circulation of 8.4 million households.

For more than five decades, Mr. Armstrong consistently shouted a warning in print and over the airwaves about the revival and unification of Germany. He proclaimed that Germany would be the dominant force behind a powerful union of European nation-states that would surpass the Russian bloc and even Britain and America in power and hegemony. Mr. Armstrong made that prediction while Germany was in rubble.

He didn’t live long enough to see the Berlin Wall come down in 1989, or Germany unite the year after that. But many people who read Mr. Armstrong’s material or who watched him on TV were astounded when those dramatic events happened! And they were well aware of what Mr. Armstrong had been prophesying all those years!

On this episode of Trumpet Daily, we will help build your faith in the absolute certainty of Bible prophecy by exploring the remarkable history of Mr. 
Armstrong’s track record of accurate predictions. 

Listen to the Trumpet Daily live each day at 7:00 am (CST) on Trumpet Radio. 

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Will the Pope Call for European Unity?

Pope Francis is touring Poland for World Youth Day this week, tracing many of the footsteps of former Pope John Paul II. In today's program, Brent Nagtegaal discusses the history of the powerful influence John Paul II had in unifying Europe. He then explores why a political union in Europe will only be achieved with the assistance of Rome.

Pope Francis: ‘All Religions Want Peace’

After the beheading of a Catholic priest by radical Islamists in France, Pope Francis admitted that the “world is at war.” “When I speak of war I speak of wars over interests, money, resources, not religion. All religions want peace; it’s the others who want war,” he said. But in reality, religion is what’s driving the violence we’re witnessing today. Bible prophecy forecasts that another religious war will soon break out between Catholicism and Islam. To find out more, listen to today’s Trumpet Daily with host Stephen Flurry.

Week in Review: Disunited DNC, Third Party Popularity Soars, Russia Pokes America’s Achilles’ Heel

• The Democratic Naitonal Convention has ended, and it reveals a divided and disillusioned America; popularity of Third party candidates is soaring.
• Some say Russian involvement in the DNC email leaks is a party issue, but it’s actually more about national security.
• A microcosm of the ancient Crusades played out in France this week. How will the Catholic Church respond to this Islamic State attack?
• America’s reputation is on the line over the South China Sea dispute. Will it protect its allies, or leave them vulnerable to Chinese expansionism?
• We’ll also talk about an assassination attempt on the Egyptian president, cries for more European unity, and the Prime Minister of the UK visiting Britain’s most dangerous border.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Time Line of Terror in Europe and the Nomination of Hillary Clinton

Europe’s summer of hate continues. Today we look at the time line of terror over the past two weeks that has all of Europe on edge. The Islamic State is warning that London is next. At the end of the show, we compare a few sound bites from the Democratic convention in Philadelphia and to President Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address over a generation ago. All this and more on today’s episode of Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Trumpet Hour: Germany Terror, Israel’s Outreach to Muslim Nations, the Decline of Parenting

• Germany is under attack—five terrorist attacks just in the past week. German leaders say there’s no crisis here. But how long will the German people agree?
• Israel is making outreach to Muslim countries including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. These nations seem to be willing to engage the Jewish state as a means of putting a check on Iran. Is there a danger in this policy?
• Parents have lost their authority, and we’re treating our children like grown-ups. That’s the premise of a new book on child rearing. We’ll talk about the problems that this approach creates for our children, and how to fix it.
• We’ll also talk about why babies and nations fight—and how not to.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Germany in Denial and the Identity Crisis in Europe

While the spate of violent attacks in Germany is smaller in scale compared to Paris, Brussels and Nice, the events of this past week will add pressure on an already shaky Merkel administration grappling with a series of major crises. How much longer before a German strongman emerges to lead Germany to shape a new world order? For more, listen to today’s episode of the Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Is Donald Trump the Next Ronald Reagan?


On today’s show, we revisit last week’s Republican convention in Cleveland—specifically Donald Trump’s speech and how it compares to Ronald Reagan’s speech at the Republican convention in 1980. Some have compared Mr. Trump to Ronald Reagan. So we’ll look at the two speeches—and let you decide for yourself.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Life is Good?

The Christian life isn’t always easy.

Do not get into a negative state because of your troubles or the complications in your life. Don’t let the difficulties distress you; do not crumble into despair; do not consider yourself forsaken or destroyed. You are a begotten child of God!
Verse 5 says, “[T]he love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy [Spirit] which is given unto us.”
You are the begotten child of God, regardless of the troubles and the travails that beset you. God’s will is being done in you regardless of the severity of your troubles and your occasional puzzlement.
“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,” Paul wrote. “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:17-18).
Yes, Paul was dealt with hands-on by Jesus Christ Himself—and he experienced difficulties. You are begotten by God, and you likewise will experience difficulties. But they are all light afflictions and truly only last for a short period.
You must focus on your eternal reward, not on the things that perplex and puzzle you. Focus on the things which are not seen. Then, even with the complications that annoy you—even amid the ones that knock you down—you can realize and firmly believe that yes indeed, “life is good!”

Turkey Enters a Dark New Age

Bible prophecy shows there will be end-time aligning of interests between Turkey and a German-led Europe. Along with being part of an end-time alliance found inPsalm 83, the book of Obadiah indicates that Turkey will be part of a latter-day betrayal of the nations of Israel. In both instances, there is no indication that the alliance is based on mutual values or an abiding friendship. Instead, it is purely based on a mutual interest, which is the exact type of relationship we see being created today.

Trump: ‘Nobody Knows the System Better Than Me, Which is Why I Alone Can Fix It’

On today’s show, we examine Donald Trump’s GOP convention speech from last night. What does it say about how he would lead as president, should he win in November? Also, more emails—and another opera selection from Turandot! For more, listen to the Trumpet Daily Radio Show, with Stephen Flurry.

Week in Review: America’s Future Foreign Policy, China Ignores the Hague, Kashmir Violence

• Comments by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump this week about NATO have rattled leaders in Europe. It appears the isolationism we’re seeing under President Obama is here to stay.
• China is boldly defying the Hague’s ruling against its activities in the South China Sea
• Tensions on the India-Pakistan border claimed more than 50 lives this past week
• Police in London are bracing for riots in the streets
• Iran’s “moderate” president is being sidelined by the nation’s hardliners
• We’ll also talk about the Revolutionary Communist Party protesting in Cleveland—the failed coup in Turkey—the fact that the truck terrorist in France had accomplices—Toronto’s drug injection sites—and a peaceful Black Lives Matter group that decided to stage not a protest, but a barbecue with the police.

Friday 22 July 2016

'Never Since World War II Have Democracies Been So Threatened'

The Nice attack is threatening to push France into political crisis. The nation is divided on how to respond. The head of the General Directorate of Internal Security (their equivalent of the FBI) warns that the nation faces “civil war.” French President François Hollande warned, “Never since World War ii have democracies been so threatened.” Where will France turn in this time of turmoil? Who do people look to when their world is falling apart? History shows us time and again that when the world seems to be spinning out of control, people turn to tyrants and strongmen for solutions.

Richard PalmerTrumpet DailyPhildelphia Church of GodProphecyFranceHistory

Wednesday 20 July 2016

This Is the Age That Counts!

This is the age that God is using to prepare those who will be foremost in helping Jesus Christ when He establishes God’s new civilization on Earth! Listen to Stephen Flurry’s latest Trumpet Daily Radio Show episode and learn about the lifestyle and culture of tomorrow. It is already here on Earth, in fact—in God’s Church.