Friday 8 July 2016

America’s Real Enemy

Know Your Enemy

What is happening to America’s leadership, its domestic policy and foreign policy is not just a quirk of history. The fact that Americans are casting the Constitution to the ground and encouraging lawlessness in their marriages, in their government and in their foreign policy has a very definite CAUSE.
We must know our enemy in order to understand what is going on in America.
Revelation 12:12 reveals that Satan is our deadly adversary. He is the one behind these dangerous developments. The devil is full of wrath, and he has gotten CONTROLof the government of this land! He controls the radical left. The fruits prove it. These people want to bring this system down. They are deceived (verse 9).
Our people don’t understand their Bibles as they once did. They don’t understand the many scriptures about Satan the devil. He has his agenda against America, and it will prevail.
Only God can protect us from this powerful evil spirit.
In his second epistle to the people of Corinth, the Apostle Paul drew attention to this evil spirit being. In 2 Corinthians 4:4 he called him “the god of this world” who has “BLINDED THE MINDS OF THEM WHICH BELIEVE NOT.” In 2 Corinthians 6:15 and 11:3 he warned about how easy it is to be beguiled through his subtlety. In verse 14, he wrote that Satan actually transforms himself into an angel of light, and his ministers look like ministers of righteousness! (verse 15). This is an extremely deceptive being with a lot of power!
Paul cautioned the people to be careful and vigilant, “[l]est Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Corinthians 2:11). In any war, ignorance of the enemy is dangerous. We are far more vulnerable to the devil if we are ignorant of his devices, designs or schemes. The more you know, the better equipped you are to resist and fight! Satan is laying a trap, and you need to recognize it!
The devil’s fingerprints are all over what is happening to America today. The rampant deceit bears the stamp of the father of liars (John 8:44). The contempt for law springs from Satan’s own lawlessness. The support for America’s enemies, the appeasement of dictators, the undermining of alliances, the hatred of the Jewish state—all these are telling signs of Satan’s influence. Even the way that all of these problems are originating from the very top is consistent with the devil’s methods of operation.
Still, many people scoff about there even being a devil—while he is tearing them apart! They know little or nothing about their Bibles. They don’t understand anything about God, nor do they know the devil. Until they do, the problems will only intensify.
Let me warn you again not to forget Revelation 12:7-12. Satan and millions of his demons have been cast down from a war in heaven. They are now confined to this Earth. Their time is short because of Christ’s imminent return, and they are full of their worst wrath ever!
You see evidence of that wrath in this violent world full of treacherous deceit.
America is being attacked from within and without. There are failures everywhere: economically, culturally, politically, militarily and morally. Anyone who says there isn’t a real problem here needs to open his eyes! We need to see what is happening to our nation.
The radical left is not our big problem. It is only leading the way. Ultimately, this isn’t about a man or an administration; it’s about an evil spirit being who is working to destroy this nation—and about WHY God is allowing it to happen!

Time Is Short

God is against three nations in particular—America, Britain and the Jewish nation—because of their history with God, the birthright and scepter blessings today, and their unparalleled rebellion. Not only is God not helping us, He is against us! (Ezekiel 5:8). (This is all explained in our free book The United States and Britain in Prophecy.)
Look at what God says about this through the Prophet Ezekiel: “Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence. Wherefore I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their houses: I will also make the pomp of the strong to cease; and their holy places shall be defiled” (Ezekiel 7:23-24). That prophecy is about America in particular (for proof, request our free book Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet).
“The king shall mourn, and the prince shall be clothed with desolation, and the hands of the people of the land shall be troubled: I will do unto them after their way, and according to their deserts will I judge them; and they shall know that I am the LORD” (verse 27). GOD BLAMES THE PEOPLE FOR THEIR SINS, NOT THE LEADERS! America is full of sins—and the whole world sees them! The leader may lead us to destruction, but God blames the PEOPLE.
God says He has broken the pride of our power (Leviticus 26:19). Benghazi is just one example that perfectly shows that although America has tremendous power, we fear to use it. It is a sign that America has receded into the background and is declining rapidly.
Being weak causes violence and wars! The fact that America will not respond will only allow evils like this to increase. As we get weaker, people will attack us more and more violently.
Why is America so weak? Study Leviticus 26. Again—it is BECAUSE OF OUR SINS. This is why God has brought this curse upon us.
The curses on America are plain to see. Prophecy is being fulfilled in events all over the globe! You would think that as times get worse and worse, people would look to the Bible to see what God has to say. Conditions are intensifying and getting so bad that anybody can recognize something is terribly wrong. But virtually nobody is turning to God. That is to our shame.
America’s problems are a direct result of AMERICA’S SINS. No political candidate is going to “make America great again,” no matter what people think! I would like to see it happen, but it isn’t going to happen in this age. Everyone will come to recognize that truth before much longer! GOD will make America great again in the World Tomorrow.He is going to solve our problems—in spite of our rebellion. He will SAVE America—and the world—at Jesus Christ’s return, which will occur immediately after all these crises climax.
Notice the end of verse 27 of Ezekiel 7: All the punishment that is coming upon us is intended to bring people back to God. This is good news: In the end, PEOPLE ARE GOING TO KNOW GOD!
You absolutely need to understand the truth about what is happening to America today. We have been protected in this country for a couple hundred years. We have not experienced the turmoil that many other nations have. Yes, we were involved in two world wars, but God has given us a lot of peace. As a result, our people have settled into an unreality about what is really happening around us. They don’t understand how deadly dangerous this world is!
This is not God’s world. There is a lot of evil in this world. It is full of tigers waiting to tear people apart. It has always been that way. As Winston Churchill said, the history of man is the HISTORY OF WAR. Yet somehow we can’t come to grips with that today.
Are you willing to face reality? Most people are not. A haze of deception enshrouds our world. It is absolutely stunning how easily the people in this land today are duped.
Many people are alert to the problems in America today, but have only become deeply discouraged and anxious as a result. But if you open your eyes to the spiritual dimension, then you will see the tremendous hope BEYOND the tragedy that is unfolding. Putting these events in their full prophetic context shows how God is using these events to serve His purposes—and how they are quickly leading to the greatest event ever: when He will intervene to establish His rule on Earth!

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