Sunday 31 July 2016

Netanyahu’s Dangerous Arab Outreach

Prophesied Outcome?

Of course, the smart people in charge of Israel’s foreign policy recognize this reality as well and undoubtedly would argue that they will cooperate while they can—especially considering the greater danger facing them with Iran’s rise.
Psalm 83 AllianceAnd while Iran does pose the greatest threat to Israel, Bible prophecy says that it is not Iran that will strike down Israel—rather it will be most of the nations it is currently aligning with. An alliance of nations is mentioned in Psalm 83:5-8 that includes Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states, as well as Turkey, Jordan and Germany. The proceeding verses tell us what really motivates this alliance:
They have taken crafty counsel against your people, and consulted against your hidden ones. For they have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one [heart]: they are confederate against you!
This mysterious alliance desires Israel’s downfall and will work to that end—it is in their unchanged collective heart to do so. But notice also part of their strategy is to take “crafty counsel” against Israel. Putting this together with other prophecies found in the book of Hosea, and we can see that this alliance performs a great act of treachery against Israel. And treachery can only be perpetrated against an assumed ally. Please read “A Mysterious Alliance” byTrumpet editor Gerald Flurry to understand more details about this treacherous alliance now forming against Israel, as well as its surprising hope-filled end.

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