Wednesday 13 July 2016

Trumpet Hour: The Battle Over Bahrain, China in New Zealand, How to Age Well and More

• A battle is taking place in the small Persian Gulf island nation of Bahrain—this is a place where the interests of the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Iran all clash—and events seem to be approach a climax that will determine who rules it in the future. The answer could have serious implications for the Middle East and beyond.
• New Zealand’s economy is in trouble—and it is selling off its own land to Chinese businesses.
- We’re going to look at how this actually fulfills some very specific biblical prophecies.
• How can we age well? Science is showing us some simple, extremely effective ways of staving off the worst effects of aging so we can have a high quality of life in our later years.
• And I’ll conclude today’s show by talking about the importance of every small step you take.

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