Wednesday 6 July 2016

Trumpet Hour: China’s Silk Road, Post-Brexit Economy, Iran in South America, Elie Wiesel and More

• China is aggressively expanding its world trade—not only by sea but by land, resurrecting the historic silk roads trade routes with Europe. This is aimed at overturning the existing American-led world economic order—we’ll talk about why it will likely succeed.
• World financial markets were rocked by Britain’s decision to get out of the European Union—we’ll look at why investors are panicking—and what might happen next.
• Iran’s sponsorship of terrorism isn’t confined to the Middle East—it also has activities on America’s doorstep in South America.
• After Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel death this past Saturday, we’ll remember a recent warning he gave that is very relevant to us today.
• And I’ll conclude today’s show by talking about your family’s most important textbook.

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