Wednesday 6 July 2016

Brexit and Iran

Bible prophecy indicates that Iran will be completely blindsided in this encircling whirlwind attack. The encirclement has already begun.
So how does this tie to Brexit? When the British were in the EU, there was someone to keep tabs on Germany—however ineffectively.
Britain was strongly opposed to a European army. London was key in blocking or slowing the march of the dominating German powerhouse. Now, no sooner than Britain decides to exit, we see German and EU elites taking drastic steps toward acombined European army. And Britain won’t be there to stop them.
Link that to the prophecies surrounding the king of the north and you can see that Iran is in trouble. The sure word of Bible prophecy has pointed to the founding of a deadly united Europe, and has even revealed who that power will turn on.
Iran’s optimism at the Brexit vote shows how dangerously naive Tehran’s leadership is, and how it underestimates Europe’s power.
But just as Iran is to be caught off guard, so too will much of the world. Remember, as Mr. Flurry stated in his article, this whirlwind will spark World War III!
Neither Iran nor you nor I need be caught unawares by this sudden assault. Be sure to read Mr. Flurry’s books and booklets on this subject, and be sure to keep tuning in to the Key of David television program and our various radio programs. While terrible times are prophesied to come, there is incredible hope bound up in these promises.
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. … [W]hen ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand” (Luke 21:28, 31).
To some analysts and nations like Iran, this truth makes no sense. They may even scoff at it. But as Mr. Flurry concluded his article, “This insight can only come from God. And He has now revealed it. This is not just blitzkrieg. We are about to witness a whirlwind. And it was all prophesied in your Bible: Daniel 11:40!”

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