Monday 11 July 2016

China’s Hundred-Year Strategy

The Real ‘Mandate of Heaven’

Most politicians would scoff at the idea that there is a God in heaven who gives power unto kings. Yet it is true. “[T]he most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men. … Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing” (Daniel 4:17; Isaiah 40:15).
The fact that Britain has fallen from greatness and that China is eclipsing America does not escape God. We must see such seismic global power shifts with His perspective. In the end, the problems afflicting America and Britain are actually correction from God to help the Anglo-American people see their sins and repent. Because a spirit of lawlessness and rebellion has taken hold in Anglo-America, God will send foreign enemies to punish America and Britain!
The Bible describes a time of “great tribulation” for the Anglo-American people in astonishing detail. Neither America nor Britain will willingly surrender sovereignty to the cabal of technocratic corporatists who run the EU. Instead, as the Prophet Isaiah forecast over 2,700 years ago, a German-led European superstate will betray America and Britain by forming a short-lived economic alliance with the nations of Asia, including China, Russia and Japan. This anti-American alliance will literally besiege the United States and Britain—economically freezing them out of world trade.
The Prophet Daniel foretells that when this siege has weakened America and Britain to the point of complete societal breakdown, the king of the German-led superstate will break his alliance with the kings of Asia and unilaterally invade North America. With the economies of America and Britain forcibly integrated into Europe’s technocratic dictatorship, this German-led empire will have power to rival China and its Asian allies. The Chinese generals can talk about not asking the weight of the emperor’s cauldrons, but the German General Staff uses a different military strategy: BLITZKRIEG!
With the Anglo-American people enslaved and the vast economic resources of North America at its disposal, the German empire will still only have a short window of time to stop Asia’s rise. The Apostle John prophesies in the book of Revelation that this German-led, Catholic empire will launch a preemptive military strike against the kings of Asia. Just like Kaiser Wilhelm II launched a preemptive strike designed to halt Russia’s ascension to superpower status during World War I, this German empire will strike out in a desperate attempt to thwart China’s Hundred-Year Plan.
To counter this attack, the Bible foretells that Russia and China will amass an army of 200 million men!
Every human being would actually face extinction in a devastating nuclear war between Europe and Asia, unless Jesus Christ Himself intervenes in world affairs (Matthew 24:22). Fortunately, the Bible records a definitive promise from God that Jesus Christ will intervene to end this madness. After accumulating 6,000 years of evil and suffering, the human race will finally be ready to listen to God and be taught His way of life! 

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