Wednesday 3 August 2016

America’s Political Earthquake, Space Wars and How Not to Stop a War

· America’s politics is in turmoil. The division in both parties is obvious. The nation is going through one of the most dramatic politics shifts in its history, and these shifts tend cause great turmoil.
· Space wars are shifting from science fiction to science fact. America is developing a Space Mission Force, while China proudly proclaims its ability to shoot down satellites as part of its dispute over islands in the South China Sea. Space war could now affect everyone on the planet.
· Is Pacifism dangerous? Almost no one actually likes war, but could an extreme unwillingness to fight actually make war more likely? We’re going to talk about a lesson from history with a powerful warning for us today.
· We’ll also ask Can individuals change the world? Or are puny human beings to small to matter?

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