Thursday 4 August 2016

Expect Miracles

As part of God’s greatest miracle ourselves, we ought to expect more miracles in our lives

God knows His creation. He knows we need a clear vision as to the direction we should follow to fulfill our reason for being—our incredible human potential. To this end He declares, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Knowing this, God gives enlightened vision to His true ministers. As our pastor general has taught, “Philadelphia ministers must expect miracles” (Malachi’s Message).
Any minister of God truly worth his salt lives in daily expectation of miracles! Such a minister is not occupied with snooping around people’s lives seeking to dig up their sins. He lives to teach, counsel and instruct God’s precious sheep in how to overcome their sins and thenfully expects the miracle of conversion that comes to any truly repentant sinner!
Jesus Christ’s method of ministry is one in which ministers serve “those who obey God (and the world, through God’s Work). God’s family government doesn’t go around looking for people’s faults and sins. God’s leaders search for ways to serve the people! That is God’s law of love” (Gerald Flurry, God’s Family Government).
As is made clear in the booklet The Former Prophets: “God’s very elect are the true royalty of God. … We honor God the Father and He turns around and looks after us in miraculous ways.”
Don’t underrate God’s power to perform miracles in your life. At the most recent Philadelphia Church of God ministerial conference Mr. Flurry warned the ministry to not become calloused to the expectation of miracles. This is a most cynical world we live in. It would be so easy to let the world’s attitude of doubt and skepticism influence our attitude against the recognition of God’s miracles in our lives. Don’t let that happen to you.
Rather, “Take advantage of the opportunity and the education available to you. Use this truth, build your faith, and let God work miracles in your life!” (ibid).

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