Thursday 4 August 2016

Inside God’s Sanctuary

The most sacred place on Earth gives insight into the priestly privileges God is giving His saints today.

In recent years, God has been getting the minds of His people focused on the millennial temple prophesied in Ezekiel 40-48. Today, in the hall of administration at the Philadelphia Church of God headquarters, is a model of the Ezekiel temple. (You can read about this in our bookletEzekiel: The End-Time Prophet.) This temple—like Armstrong Auditorium, God’s physical house today—points us forward to new Jerusalem, and the dazzling future it represents.
Read about Ezekiel’s temple in Ezekiel 43:10.“God commands us to show the world this temple, and the government it represents—in detail!” Mr. Flurry wrote. “Then the people of Israel and the world will see that the way God manages His government is vastly different from anything in the world today. When they see how Gods government will work and how theproblems of this world will be solved, in time they will be ashamed of how they have been defiant toward the living God!” (Jerusalem’s Temples).
Notice our responsibility in verse 11. Our job is to support God’s apostle in showing people all the details about this temple—including all its ordinances and laws. How much do you really know about the ordinances and laws of God’s sanctuary? Mr. Flurry said this is a commission we have to complete before the Tribulation! We have to publicize these details in a way that is vivid and memorable enough for it to make a lasting impression.
Read God’s instruction to His prophet in Ezekiel 44:5—and realize that God says the same thing to us. Mark this well! Focus your attention on this! “God wants us to get our minds on the Ezekiel temple,” Mr. Flurry wrote. “God’s very elect have to start planning for this new temple and for the new building program so that we are prepared for it when the Messiah returns. God wants us to have the mindset for it so we will be ready and excited about building it!”
This is the deep meaning behind the tabernacle in Israel. When you hear that word in the future, you can now have a deeper and more awe-inspiring understanding of what that ancient structure meant for Israel, what it means for us, and what it means for the whole world.

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