Wednesday 31 August 2016

False Alarms, True Terror

Why Terrorism?

Long before the United States was established, God foretold many riveting details of the nation’s prosperity through His servant Moses (Genesis 48:13-22; 49:22-26; Leviticus 26:3-10). God also explained specifically how He would punish America if this powerful, blessed nation forgot and disobeyed Him: “… I will even appoint over you terror .… [A]nd ye shall flee when none pursueth you” (Leviticus 26:16-17).
Verse 36 offers more detail: “… the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth.”
Does this sound like people stampeding and injuring each other because of harmless sounds of applause or balloons popping?
Through the Prophet Isaiah, God foretold how painfully effective terrorist attacks would be if America didn’t obey Him. He foretold the disproportionate degree of destruction a small number of terrorists would be able to inflict: “One thousand shall flee at the rebuke of one; at the rebuke of five shall ye flee …” (Isaiah 30:17).
Only 19 terrorists were directly involved in the 9/11 “rebuke,” and only a handful of others have been involved in attacks on American soil since then. Yet an astonishing number of Westerners have been made to “flee” in fear because of those attacks. Reports say the Boston marathon bombing was carried out by just two jihadists, and they turned Boston—a city withmore economic output than Finland—into a ghost town for a day.
Take a look at America’s systems of education, politics, religion, military, industry and entertainment. It’s plain that the nation has rebelled against the God who blessed it with such unprecedented prosperity. As this slide into lawlessness continues, we will increasingly “flee when none pursueth” and descend into mass hysteria at the “sound of a shaken leaf.”
But there is also hope on the horizon. Bible prophecy makes plain that on the other side of the terrorism, fear and curses lies the most radiant future imaginable. Fear and terrorism will be forever vanquished and replaced by a planet of peace, prosperity and a single world religion under the righteous, merciful rulership of the King of kings, Jesus Christ. 

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