Tuesday 23 August 2016

Russia and Iran: The Middle East ‘Axis of Evil'


Time and again, Russia has outmaneuvered America in and around Syria. The historic agreement between Iran and Russia shows that this outfoxing is spreading across the broader Middle East.
How long will it be before the Russo-Iranian axis squeezes America out entirely? Russian weapons are defeating U.S. allies in Syria. Iranian militias are doing a great deal of the fighting in Iraq. Hezbollah still controls southern Lebanon. Tehran is empowered by the disastrous P5+1 nuclear deal and is also armed with Russian weaponry. Now we see Russian bombers stationed in Iran.
On top of this, China—another enemy of the West—has recently become involved in Syria, seeking closer military ties with the Assad regime!
What is happening to American influence in the region? It is shattered.
In Leviticus 26:19, God warns America that disobedience has one outcome: “I will break the pride of your power.” America, the most powerful nation on Earth, is currently being broken in the Middle East.
God also promises that America’s “strength shall be spent in vain.” Isn’t U.S. prestige in the Middle East the very epitome of that statement? Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq showed the incredible power of the U.S. military. But what has it achieved? Enemies of the West now exert their influence over these regions and vie for control of lands where coalition forces once spent trillions of dollars and decades of fighting. Hundreds of lives were sacrificed along the way.
There is coming a time when “[t]hey have blown the trumpet, even to make all ready; but none goeth to the battle: for my wrath is upon all the multitude thereof” (Ezekiel 7:14).
America won’t go to war. It will be defunct, defeated. A terrible end to a once great nation.

Can It Be Avoided?

But must we experience these terrible times ourselves? Are you and I destined to suffer through the traumatic days prophesied in Ezekiel, Daniel and elsewhere in your Bible?
The hope-filled and inspiring answer is a resounding “No!”
Remember, God is bringing these terrible times on the world to wake up mankind! Man refuses to listen to his Creator. Nations that once founded their constitutions on God’s law now scoff at His warnings. It is little wonder God must forcibly awaken our nations, even if it means empowering others like Russia and Iran.
But you are reading this article. You are listening today. God does offer safety from these calamities ahead. He promises safety that no Russian or American power can provide. But it takes effort on our part; it takes action.
Be sure to go back through our website. Look through our free literature, articles, television and radio programs. Nowhere else can you find such a library of hope, education and training. The understanding we need to help avoid the dark days ahead is right at our fingertips. We just need to heed it. 

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