Sunday 7 August 2016

Why Rest on God’s Sabbath Day?

No Sabbath Keeping—No Holy Spirit

God, who is the loving Friend of mankind, offers us the priceless gift of His Holy Spirit. A gift which imparts all the peace and joy the human heart really longs for. Yes, and ultimately eternal life—eternal “rest” from this carnal, mundane life!
But to whom will God give the precious gift of His Holy Spirit? What does God expect of those who are recipients of His Spirit? Notice the answer in Acts 5:32: “the Holy Spirit … God hath given to them that obey him”—OBEY His Ten Commandments, which includesSABBATH KEEPING!
To carnal man, there is seemingly no earthly reason whatever to keep a sequence of Sabbath days. Man, so he reasons, could rest as well on other days he would choose for himself.
But keeping, or not keeping, God’s Sabbath daysREVEALS AN ATTITUDE! Keeping them shows a willingness to forsake our own thoughts for periods of time specified by God. It shows a willingness to learn—to study, to think and to meditate on the really important matters of the universe—and an attitude toward development of GOD-LIKE CHARACTER!
And keeping God’s Sabbath reveals an attitude ofSIMPLE OBEDIENCE just because God says so!—although all carnal human reasoning says “no.” To the carnal, unrepentant mind, Sabbath keeping seems so unfathomable, unnecessary and sometimesannoying! (Although to the repentant, Spirit-begotten mind, the Sabbath is eagerly looked forward to every week.)
Sabbath keeping plainly is a test of our ATTITUDE to reveal whether we really want to OBEY and DEPEND on God and receive His Holy Spirit!

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