Wednesday 17 August 2016

Rocket Launchers in the South China Sea

Do you know that the Bible speaks directly of the rise of an Asian conglomerate—comprised of multiple “kings”? Do you also know that this power is set to join in a brief alliance with a European power? Your Bible indicates that these powers will lay siege to America! Prophecies in Daniel 12, Matthew 24, Hosea 5 and Ezekiel 4 all point to this climactic point in human history!
Our free booklet Russia and China in Prophecy explains this all in vivid detail. Read it for yourself. God has recorded this as a warning to the nations—and that includes you and me!
Armed with this knowledge, we can understand why the Asian nations are rallying and why the U.S. efforts at diplomacy are failing. And because we can see and prove where it is leading, it should fill us with excitement. After all, if you truly believe the afore-referenced prophecies written in your Bible, then you must believe what comes next!

Lasting Unification

The rise of the Asian nations is forecast to come directly before the return of Jesus Christ. The prophesied destruction is what it takes for God to reach this world! As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry concludes in “China Is Steering the World Toward War”:
God says three times in Ezekiel 2:6, Be not afraid! Don’t be afraid! Be not afraid! The people of America, Britain and Judah SHOULD be very afraid if they refuse to repent. But God tells those who are doing His work that they must not give in to fear. There are reasons why people fear to deliver that message, but God commands us to do it! He promises to give us all the power we need—AND to reward us for obeying Him no matter what happens! …

All this prophesied destruction is what it will take for God to reach this world! After this, people will be ashamed—and THEY WILL GET TO KNOW GOD! Ezekiel repeatedly talked about that inspiring conclusion (e.g. Ezekiel 6:7; 7:4; 11:10; 12:20; 13:9; 23:48-49, etc.). Yes, there is a lot of bad news when you consider what it takes to get people to the point of knowing God. But ultimately, the outcome is SPECTACULARLY GOOD NEWS!
Again, if you want to know more about the spectacular events that lead up to the return of Jesus Christ and how those events fit in world events today, be sure to read Russia and China in Prophecy.

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