Monday 30 October 2017


Does Bible Prophecy Say North Korea Could Trigger World War III?

The Scriptures’ detailed description of the next world war may surprise you.

Partners in Crime

Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door’

And so is the greatest event ever to occur in the universe!



Charlottesville Violence—The Real Danger Is Invisible
Recent events in Virginia reveal an irreconcilable divide in America. A dark spiritual force is behind the unrest.

The REAL Russia Scandal
Is Vladimir Putin trying to strengthen the Trump presidency—or weaken it?
Hurricane Harvey: A Curse
How one of the worst flooding events in American history contains a warning—and the promise of something better
A Deadly Spark on the Temple Mount
How a terrorist attack almost set off the Jerusalem powder keg
How Homemakers Help the Economy
Some say America’s economy would grow by billions of dollars if moms would work outside the home. They’re measuring wrong.

Why Authoritarian Rule Is Spreading Across the World

China and Russia both have a strongman. Nations in Europe are also getting their own strong leaders. Meanwhile, the United States and Britain continue to recede from the global stage. Bible prophecy forecasts that we are entering into a time when rising powers in Asia and Europe are going to dominate the globe. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss the rise of strong leaders around the world and what it means in the framework of Bible prophecy.

Is the Bible a True Story?

On October 24, a large feature entitled, “Is the Bible a True Story?” ran in Haaretz—one of Israel’s largest newspapers. Instead of using the opportunity to discuss how biblical history is being unearthed, the author chose to discredit archaeologists who dare claim the Bible is an accurate source of history. On today's program, host Brent Nagtegaal takes the Haaretz piece and reveals what was missing from the discussion.
Haaretz’s Hit Job on the Bible…-on-the-bible/
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Friday 27 October 2017

Bible Prophecy Right Again! The Islamic State WAS a Distraction

For three years the United States has been preoccupied with crushing the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. Now that its campaign is about over, who is the real victor? In October 2014, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry said the Islamic State was a “distraction from the real danger in the Middle East and in the world.” The real danger, he said, is Iran. How accurate the forecast turned out to be! Iran has fully emerged as the real victor of the West’s campaign to destroy the Islamic State. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we examine Iran’s takeover of Iraq and how Bible prophecy forecast it decades in advance.

British Christians Have Spoken: Four of the Ten Commandments Are No Longer Necessary

A new YouGov poll in Britain has revealed that most British Christians believe four of the Ten Commandments are no longer important. Believing that one or a few of the commandments aren’t necessary undermines the Authority that created those commandments and contradicts the Bible. James, the brother of Jesus Christ, wrote, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we discuss what this recent survey reveals about the state of religion in the United Kingdom.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

How World War III Will Start | In 90 Seconds

Nuclear Armageddon Is ‘At the Door’: Visit

Nuclear Armageddon Is At the Very Door

Matthew 24 is the most important prophecy that Jesus Christ proclaimed during His earthly ministry. And yet most Christians today do not understand this crucial prophecy at all. In His Olivet prophecy, Jesus warned of a volcanic eruption of crises on Earth that this world has never experienced! Current events back up these prophecies and make them impossible to ignore! On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain Christ’s most pivotal prophecy.

A Turning Point in German Politics

A strongman is coming on the scene. Daniel 11 says he is going to come in by flatteries. He really knows how to speak the right words.
And what is amazing is, Guttenberg went after American President Donald Trump—in a way a world leader never does to another leader in power! He called him “the violent madman in the White House.” In several public appearances lately, he has been fiercely critical and condemning of America’s president.
He is talking about a man who got over 60 million votes. Is he just criticizing one man? I believe what he is saying says a lot about his attitude toward America.
In 2010, we wrote this on
If you’re unaware of the legacy of Edmund Stoiber and Franz Josef Strauss, read The Grand Design. In short, Strauss—and his protégé Stoiber—envisioned a future in which Germany would emerge as the leader of a federal European superstate—one powerful enough to compete with the United States. Today, Strauss is long dead and Stoiber is on the fringes of German politics—for now.
But Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is carrying Strauss’s torch—and he is one of the most influential politicians in Germany!
Where is this leading? This is what you must watch. The Bible tells us that Germany is going to double-cross America in a dramatic way. You can read about this in Chapter 10 of my book Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet.
Listening to Mr. Guttenberg and the way people are responding to him, I have to say that it looks like the relationship between the U.S. and Germany is already dead!
Prophecy tells us in detail just what this strongman is going to do. It also says that he can’t even imagine the damage he will wreak on America—but at a certain point, his mind is going to change. (Read about this in Chapter 2 of my booklet on the Prophet Habakkuk.) We are watching for that mind change. Perhaps, to some degree, it is already happening!
These things might be the best indication that Baron Guttenberg could be the man we are watching for.
Listen to him. He’s talking like a man who has ambitions to rule Europe! In some ways, he talks like a man who already leads Europe!
Winston Churchill had insight into Germany like nobody else in his time. He said this in 1924: “The enormous contingents of German youth growing to military manhood year by year are inspired by the fiercest sentiments, and the soul of Germany smolders with dreams of a war of liberation or revenge.”
Watch Germany. I believe we are seeing more than just dislike for one man in the White House. There is evidence of a desire for revenge. After all, history would have played out very differently if it hadn’t been for America’s intervention in World Wars and ii.
You wouldn’t think human beings would think that way, but if you understand biblical prophecy, you know that there is an evil spirit being involved who can inspire some very ugly emotions. And the Bible is clear that America’s German “lovers” are going to betray America.
Daniel 8:25 says of this man: “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes [Jesus Christ!]; but he shall be broken without hand.” This man is going to have tremendous power for a short time—but then he is going to be broken by Jesus Christ Himself!
The fact that we are seeing these prophecies about to be fulfilled before our eyes shows how close we are to that magnificent outcome! That is the magnificent hope in Bible prophecy!
So watch closely what is happening in Germany.

Germany: A Strong Leader Is Imminent

Germany appears strong and stable, but a crisis is brewing. More than 1 million Muslim migrants have settled in Germany since 2015. Islam’s presence is growing and Islamist terrorist attacks are a constant threat. Many Germans believe their culture and Christian heritage are under attack. Meanwhile, Russia grows more belligerent, Europe is burdened with economic instability, and America is withdrawing from the Continent. These issues are converging and creating instability, uncertainty and fear. Angela Merkel will likely be reelected on September 24, but this will not solve the crisis. In fact, the crisis will only intensify! The German people want a leader who will listen to them, a leader who understands their concerns, a leader prepared to solve the crisis. The German people increasingly desire a strongman. Bible prophecy says they will get one. Request our free booklet A Strong German Leader Is Imminent to learn more about what Bible prophecy has to say Germany. Order here:

Is the Papacy Becoming More Authoritarian?

Astonishingly, the Bible has some strong things to say about a great false church wielding great political and economic power in the time before Jesus Christ’s return. In Revelation 13, this church is depicted as looking like a lamb but speaking as a dragon. In Revelation 17 and 18, this church is labeled “Babylon the Great” and prophesied to rule a vast empire from a city with seven hills. In Revelation 16 and 19, the leader of this church is labeled “the false prophet” and is mentioned in conjunction with a political leader called “the beast.”
Based on these scriptures, Plain Truth editor in chief Herbert W. Armstrong long predicted that the office of the papacy would grow in strength until it became the religious force unifying the European continent. Notice this excerpt from the Plain Truth in October 1961: “The pope will step in as the supreme unifying authority—the only one that can finally unite the differing nations of Europe. The iron jurisdiction over both schools and religion will be turned over to the Roman Catholic Church. Europe will go Roman Catholic! Protestantism will be absorbed into the ‘mother’ church—and totally abolished” (emphasis added).
These forecasts may or may not be fulfilled during the papacy of Pope Francis, who has stated that he feels his pontificate may be brief. Regardless, they are sure to come to pass. They are based on the sure word of Bible prophecy.
To understand what the Bible says about the religious system that will dominate the Western world during the last days of man’s civilization, request a free copy of Mr. Armstrong’s booklet Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?

The Real Russian Collusion Scandal

For nearly a year, America’s major media have obsessed over the possibility of collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia. As it turns out, the real Russian scandal is between the former Obama administration and Russia. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, we explain the details of the latest scandal and what it reveals about America’s leadership.

Monday 23 October 2017

The Psalm 83 Alliance | In 90 Seconds

In recent years, Germany has steadily improved relations with moderate Arab nations. Multiple bonds have developed, including weapon sales, energy deals and military agreements. The development of this German-Arab alliance is fulfillment of a specific end-time prophecy. The Trumpet terms it “the Psalm 83 alliance.” Verses 6-8 of Psalm 83 reveal the ancient identity of the nations in the alliance. Historians and Bible scholars recognize that these nations have never formed an alliance. That is strong evidence that this is a prophecy—yet to be fulfilled. A study into national origins reveals generally who these nations are today: Assur—Germany Edom/Amalek—Turkey Ishmaelites—Saudi Arabia (and other neighboring nations) Moab/Ammon—Jordan Hagarenes—Syria Gebal—Lebanon Tyre—Southern Lebanon (Hezbollah) Philistines—Gaza Because of Turkey’s inclusion in this prophecy, we also watch for the development of German-Turkish ties. Psalm 83:4 states that the goal of this alliance is to destroy the modern-day nations of Israel. “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.” God uses the Psalm 83 alliance, led by Germany, to punish the nations of America, Britain and Israel for their rebellion against His law (Isaiah 10:5). ++++++++ Visit Request our FREE literature:

What Is Bible Prophecy?

Prophecy—you might associate that word with apocalyptic movies, mystical books, crazy street preachers. A lot of people do, and dismiss it. But one third of the Bible is prophecy! Just look at the table of contents. Out of the 66 books in the Bible, 18 are named after prophets. And other books have many prophecies—in the Old Testament and New Testament. Genesis prophesied that the descendants of Israel would inherit the Promised Land. 1 Samuel prophesied the coming of Jesus Christ and the return of Jesus Christ. Then there’s the book of Revelation, which is basically entirely prophecy. A lot of intelligent people believe in God. Many even read the Bible very seriously. But when this Book claims to foretell the future, a lot of people reject it. Or they skip to the parts about the love of Jesus. But you know, Jesus Himself was a prophet. He foretold future events, some of which He called end-time events. So if you “believe the Bible,” you can’t ignore the question of Bible prophecy. Have you ever looked into it?  Learn more at

Germany and the Ten Kings

Crises across Europe are stirring people to elect strong leaders. Sebestian Kurz, Austria’s newly elected chancellor, is the most recent example of a meteoric political rise built on a shift to the right. Kurz’s election may be a blueprint for the revival of the right in Germany. From France to Eastern Europe, powerful leaders are taking the stage in hopes of solving the Continent’s crises. Bible prophecy forecasts the emergence of 10 kings in Europe. Are we now witnessing the rise of those leaders? Listen to today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show for more on this exciting topic.

Friday 20 October 2017

The Trumpet of Alarm | The Trumpet Daily

Are you hearing God’s warning message to this world? Many people talk about the Bible, but their hearts are not in it—they refuse to do what the Bible actually instructs. Dire problems are on the rise, but man has rejected the solutions to those problems as found in God’s Word. In today’s desperate world crisis, God is empowering His Work so that His warning message of love might reach the largest audience possible before it is too late. On today’s program, we discuss God’s trumpet-blowing Work! Request the FREE literature offered in today's program: Visit

The Last Great Day

The hope of all mankind rests in the fulfillment of this holy day.

For members in God’s true Church today, the incredible human potential to be born into the very Family of God as the Bride of Christ should inspire them beyond words. Nothing can compare to it. The young children and teenagers of those members should also be inspired—for if you remain loyal, your future will be the same.
Looking just a short time ahead, we see an awe-inspiring future for those who live in the Millennium as well. Anyone who understands the meaning behind the Feast of Tabernacles can see what an astounding plan God has for that 1,000-year period of peace, during which the knowledge of God will flow as the waters cover the ocean beds (Isaiah 11:9). Those people, living in a society far superior to our own, will have a fantastic opportunity to be born into God’s Family as well.
But none of this will help the many millions destroyed in the Great Tribulation just preceding the Millennium. None of this will save the many billions who have already lived and died, not having learned the way of God. What of them? Are those people simply gone forever, having been born at the wrong time? Is the Millennium really built on the ashes of the billions who came before, all hope lost to them forever?
The final holy day in the fall holy day season gives us the inspiring answers to these questions. This holy day is known as the Last Great Day. The truth about this holy day restores hope to all mankind. Do you know what that hope is? Go ahead and grab your Bible, some paper and a pen or pencil, and let’s learn about the Last Great Day.

The Last Great Day

As it says in Ezekiel, dry bones will be resurrected and covered with flesh. In other words, this is a resurrection to mortal life. It will provide these individuals the opportunity to learn God’s way. They will finally have God’s truth revealed to them and be given their opportunity to become a part of God’s Kingdom. This is when the fruits of the Millennium will really become evident.
As Mr. Armstrong continued in Mystery of the Ages, “‘After a thousand years of that happy world to come, I [God] will resurrect from death to mortal life all who have died uncalled during this present 6,000 years. Their judgment shall then come. And on repentance and faith, eternal life shall be offered them.’”
All of the men and women you’ve read about in history books will live again. Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Hannibal and every other great military leader will awaken. Every officer and soldier those men led into battle will live again—their most recent memory being of their own death! Every man, woman and child who ever died of starvation will live in a world where food is abundant.
6. Will all flesh finally be opened up to God’s Holy Spirit? Joel 2:28-29.
Those who were illiterate in their lifetimes will be educated in the ways of God. The men who murdered Jesus Christ will learn what they did—and why they did it! God will also resurrect serial killers, sex offenders and other criminals. Men like Adolf Hitler, Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan will be given the chance they never had to learn to live God’s way, without the influence of Satan. Billions will live again—and educating them will be your responsibility!

Is It Really Time for Germany to Forget About Its Nazi Past?

“Three generations after Hitler’s armies wreaked terror across Europe, Germans have gained too much economic and political power to continue hiding behind their understandable aversion to all things military,” Politico wrote this week. With crises mounting in Europe and the Middle East, America’s foreign power waning, and Russia and China rising, more and more people are calling on Germany to step up and solve the world’s problems. Should the world be so quick to trust Germany? History and Bible prophecy prove that this will be a tremendous mistake! More on this topic on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Catching Up on Weinstein, the Wildfires, the Las Vegas Shooting and the End of the Islamic State

Thursday 19 October 2017


A War-Making Union

Simple self-preservation provides a powerful motivation to watch Europe for any sign of a unified military power. But the ultimate reason the Trumpet watches this trend is Bible prophecy.
Mr. Armstrong based his prophecies on scriptures like Daniel 2 and 7 and Revelation 13 and 17. These describe a European power made up of 10 nations or groups of nations that would appear in this end time.
A BEAST LIKE NO OTHER: Revelation 13 depicts the Roman Empire as an empire possessing the strengths of all its predecessors.
Gary Dorning/Trumpet
THE BEAST AND THE WHORE: The Bible prophesies in detail about a beastly empire ridden by a false church.
Gary Dorning/Trumpet
Revelation 17:12, for example, describes “ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.”
“The seventh head” of this beast power, he explains “with its 10 horns, in the 17th chapter, will be, as the 17th chapter explains, the revival of the beast, the Roman Empire, ‘out of the bottomless pit’ by a ‘United States of Europe,’ or federation of 10 European nations centered within the bounds of the old Roman Empire.”
These 10 kings will rule together as part of the beast power. This is an important point that you need to prove from the Bible. Ample scriptural proof of this can be found in Herbert W. Armstrong’s free booklet Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?
This union of 10 kings is clearly a military union. The Bible says these kings shall “make war” (verse 14).
Many other passages warn of a great war-making power in this end time. In Isaiah 10:5-7, God says that He has raised up Germany—end time Assyria—to “destroy and cut off nations not a few.” Habakkuk talks about the same time period, calling the end-time European power “Chaldeans”—this time referring to the religious nature of this power. He describes them as a “bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs.”
The Bible is full of prophecies foretelling a military empire that will march in and conquer Israel. “I will bring a nation upon you from far, O house of Israel, saith the Lord: it is a mighty nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language thou knowest not, neither understandest what they say,” states Jeremiah 5:15. Ezekiel 6:3 states: “Ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord God; Thus saith the Lord God to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys; Behold, I, even I, will bring a sword upon you, and I will destroy your high places.”
Both these prophets were writing 100 years after ancient Israel went into captivity. Their warnings make no sense—unless you realize that they are intended for when God would “bring again the captivity of … Israel” during “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:3, 7).
The military power building in Europe right now is the one God prophesied would “bring again” this captivity.
It is because of these prophecies that Mr. Armstrong forecast that Europe would become a military power. But Mr. Armstrong also saw from the Bible’s prophecies that this unification would not come easily.
“The nations of Europe have been striving to become reunited,” he wrote in the January 1979 Plain Truth. “They desire a common currency, a single combined military force, a single united government. They have made a start in the Common Market. They are now working toward a common currency. Yet, on a purely political basis, they have been totally unable to unite.”
How, then, will they unite? Mr. Armstrong went on to explain that it would happen through the addition of a religious force in Europe—the same one that has been associated with every major European empire in the past 15 centuries: the Roman Catholic Church. (Read our free book The Holy Roman Empire in Prophecy.)
How, then, will they unite? Mr. Armstrong went on to explain that it would happen through the addition of a religious force in Europe—the same one that has been associated with every major European empire in the past 15 centuries: the Roman Catholic Church.
Yes, the unification project on the European continent will have serious obstacles. The Continent that has been repeatedly riven by warfare will not readily come together nor will it ever be a picture of harmony. In fact, even once its unification into a single empire is complete, the 10 nations of this superpower “will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay” (Daniel 2:43; New International Version). Prophecy reveals that it is a fractious and fatally flawed union that will only manage to hold together for a few short—but shockingly destructive—years.
These prophecies are accelerating toward their fulfillment. Though Europe has much to do before its military union is fully formed, Europeans are under great pressure. Major crises are driving this push for a European military. That is why it must be taken seriously, despite all past failed rhetoric. Terrorist attacks, the migrant crisis, Russia’s increasing aggression—none of these problems are going away. If Europe’s efforts stall, one or more of these forces will push Europe again toward its prophesied destiny: a superstate whose individual nations lose sovereignty but gain the power projection of a 21st-century superpower.
The arrival of an independent European military force will be one of the most radical developments in decades. At the same time, Germany is emerging as a clear leader in this drive to form an army.
Though, at present, many nations support Europe’s efforts to expand its military power, biblical prophecy shows that this trend is one of the most dangerous happening in the world today!


A superpower that crushes one nation after another. A tyrant who uses false religion to control the beliefs of millions of people. A nuclear-powered evil empire that plunges the world into a new holocaust—World War iii.
This is not just the plot of a terrifying novel—it’s a biblical description of the future. The detailed, vivid history that the Bible recorded came to pass centuries after it was written. But the final chapter of the history of the beast power has not yet happened. Discover how, when and where this final chapter will unfold: Request your free copy of Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?by Herbert W. Armstrong.

The Key of David

Wednesday 18 October 2017

The Spirit in Man

The Missing Half a Trillion Pounds

Britain recently realized that the nation is half a trillion pounds poorer than previously thought. Meanwhile, a Berkeley economist warns that America’s crumbling alliances will lead to a crumbling of the U.S. dollar. assistant managing editor Richard Palmer examines the future of these two economies.

Monday 16 October 2017

Ignore the Chatter. Britain Will Leave the EU.

The real story in the Brexit negotiations is that it was predicted over half a century ago.
These discussions are all distractions to the essential point which the Trumpet has proclaimed for decades.
Ignore all the chatter. Britain will leave the European Union.
That is the message the Trumpet has proclaimed since its genesis in the 1990s. Before that, its predecessor, the Plain Truth, had been forecasting that Britain would not be a part of a united European project since the 1950s. That’s how the front cover of the Trumpet magazine immediately after the June 23 referendum could feature this amazing quote from Herbert W. Armstrong, dating back to 1956: “Germany is the economic and military heart of Europe. Probably Germany will lead and dominate the coming United States of Europe. But Britain will be no part of it!”
Amid all the chatter of Brexit and its details, the amazing truth is that Herbert W. Armstrong had forecast, based on the Bible, that it would happen more than half a century earlier. It is why, on the night the results of that historic referendum were released, the Trumpet could publish articles such as “Today’s Headline out of Britain Was Written Over 40 Years Ago!” and “Bible Prophecy Foretold a Brexit!
Britain will leave the EU. It will happen despite the insinuations that Brexit could be reversed; despite the fact that Theresa May who is leading the exodus never was a “Leaver”; despite the conveyor belt of commentary produced by Britain’s media, lambasting every action taken by the government and blaming every move of the stock market on the decision of the people on June 23.
And when Britain has completed the process, editorial staff will update the booklet He Was Rightwhich documents the accurate prophecies of Herbert W. Armstrong—with another fulfilled forecast, proving that the Bible is the only reliable source for prediction.
In the meantime, ignore the Brexit chatter. Whether it’s hard or soft or difficult or easy, Britain’s people decided—and they won’t be part of an ever growing unified Europe.