Thursday 5 October 2017


Blessings and Curses

There is a reason Mr. Armstrong correctly forecast after World War ii that America would lose the will to use its power and never again win a war. He knew that when God threatened in Leviticus 26:19 to “break the pride of your power,” He was referring primarily to Britain and the United States in this modern age.
The irony is that the same God who promised to break our pride is the one who gavethis tremendous power in the first place. God blessed America with unprecedented material wealth because He promised that wealth, unconditionally, to Abraham’s descendants. He did so because of Abraham’s obedience to God’s laws. That is why, up until World War ii, our peoples were richly blessed. That is why America rarely lost a conflict up through both world wars. (All this is thoroughly explained in Mr. Armstrong’s book The United States and Britain in Prophecy. Read this masterful book online, download it, or request a print copy and we will gladly ship you one at no cost.)
Today, however, because of rampant sin and disobedience to His law, God is turning those blessings into curses. God gave us every imaginable good, but what have we done with those blessings? Let Mr. Armstrong explain: “Like Rome, we’ve grown fat and prosperous and lazy. … We’re the wealthiest, as compared to any other nation, and we are fast growing lazy and soft, seeking luxury and pleasure, and excitement, idleness and ease, labor-saving, step-saving devices and gadgets” (Plain Truth, February 1956). That applies today far more than it did in 1956!
Today, however, because of rampant sin and disobedience to His law, God is turning those blessings into curses. God gave us every imaginable good, but what have we done with those blessings?
Amid all this material prosperity, we have forgotten God. In fact, we increasingly see examples of active, intentional, malicious hostility toward God—a movement to systematically eliminate God from public life—to establish godlessness as the state religion! Even in those instances where God receives a token mention, He is never acknowledged as a lawgiver, or even as a moral authority. In modern society, we feel accountable only to ourselves.
This is the reason God is now cursing the peoples of Britain and the United States. America’s string of military-political defeats since World War ii is staggering, lamentable, irrefutable proof of those curses! America has indeed won its last war. That statement was true in 1950—and remains true now.
Our immense wealth added to our broken will is a dangerous combination. As Mr. Armstrong wrote in the June 1954 Plain Truth, aggressor nations covet that wealth. Seeing our weakness and reluctance to use our power only intensifies the desire of these aggressor nations to take that wealth—as soon as they are strong enough to do so.
That will happen—and much sooner than you probably think. That is what Herbert Armstrong foresaw.
Mr. Armstrong concluded an article in the October 1954 Plain Truth with these words:
How any American—any English-speaking inheritor of God’s choicest material blessings—can, in face of such stupendous, overwhelming fulfillment of prophecy—such awe-inspiring demonstration of the power and might and faithfulness of Almighty God—accept and partake of these blessings, and then carelessly ignore God’s warning that our sins today are increasing, or fail to get to his knees before the great Almighty, and repent, and intercede in heart-rending prayer for all Israelite nations, and help in every way he can to warn our people now of their impending peril, seems impossible to conceive.
God warns us through prophecy that our sins are fast increasing. And now the day of reckoning is here! The foreign sword already has attacked us. In this fearful awesome atomic age, World War iii will start with atomic bombs dropped on [such cities as] London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh—without warning!
God help our nations to wake up before it’s too late!
The United States was born and sustained by godly miracles. Instead of continuing to trust God, however, the American people have chosen to trust in themselves. They have turned from the God who so richly blessed them. As a result, God has stopped giving America miracle victories—and has truly broken the pride of America’s power.


America has been the world’s only superpower for years. Its military is larger, more advanced and more experienced than the next several militaries combined. It wields an unmatched nuclear arsenal, deliverable by land, sea, air and stealth, as well as smart munitions, cyberweapons and logistical support that moves mountains of men and materiel around the world.

Yet Herbert W. Armstrong forecast in 1961 that America had won its last war. The Trumpet now forecasts that the American superpower has now waged its last war. These forecasts are based not just on intelligence assessments or even lessons of history. They are based on the prophecies of the Bible. Read them for yourself in He Was Right.

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