Friday 20 October 2017

The Last Great Day

The hope of all mankind rests in the fulfillment of this holy day.

For members in God’s true Church today, the incredible human potential to be born into the very Family of God as the Bride of Christ should inspire them beyond words. Nothing can compare to it. The young children and teenagers of those members should also be inspired—for if you remain loyal, your future will be the same.
Looking just a short time ahead, we see an awe-inspiring future for those who live in the Millennium as well. Anyone who understands the meaning behind the Feast of Tabernacles can see what an astounding plan God has for that 1,000-year period of peace, during which the knowledge of God will flow as the waters cover the ocean beds (Isaiah 11:9). Those people, living in a society far superior to our own, will have a fantastic opportunity to be born into God’s Family as well.
But none of this will help the many millions destroyed in the Great Tribulation just preceding the Millennium. None of this will save the many billions who have already lived and died, not having learned the way of God. What of them? Are those people simply gone forever, having been born at the wrong time? Is the Millennium really built on the ashes of the billions who came before, all hope lost to them forever?
The final holy day in the fall holy day season gives us the inspiring answers to these questions. This holy day is known as the Last Great Day. The truth about this holy day restores hope to all mankind. Do you know what that hope is? Go ahead and grab your Bible, some paper and a pen or pencil, and let’s learn about the Last Great Day.

The Last Great Day

As it says in Ezekiel, dry bones will be resurrected and covered with flesh. In other words, this is a resurrection to mortal life. It will provide these individuals the opportunity to learn God’s way. They will finally have God’s truth revealed to them and be given their opportunity to become a part of God’s Kingdom. This is when the fruits of the Millennium will really become evident.
As Mr. Armstrong continued in Mystery of the Ages, “‘After a thousand years of that happy world to come, I [God] will resurrect from death to mortal life all who have died uncalled during this present 6,000 years. Their judgment shall then come. And on repentance and faith, eternal life shall be offered them.’”
All of the men and women you’ve read about in history books will live again. Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Hannibal and every other great military leader will awaken. Every officer and soldier those men led into battle will live again—their most recent memory being of their own death! Every man, woman and child who ever died of starvation will live in a world where food is abundant.
6. Will all flesh finally be opened up to God’s Holy Spirit? Joel 2:28-29.
Those who were illiterate in their lifetimes will be educated in the ways of God. The men who murdered Jesus Christ will learn what they did—and why they did it! God will also resurrect serial killers, sex offenders and other criminals. Men like Adolf Hitler, Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan will be given the chance they never had to learn to live God’s way, without the influence of Satan. Billions will live again—and educating them will be your responsibility!

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