Wednesday 25 October 2017

Is the Papacy Becoming More Authoritarian?

Astonishingly, the Bible has some strong things to say about a great false church wielding great political and economic power in the time before Jesus Christ’s return. In Revelation 13, this church is depicted as looking like a lamb but speaking as a dragon. In Revelation 17 and 18, this church is labeled “Babylon the Great” and prophesied to rule a vast empire from a city with seven hills. In Revelation 16 and 19, the leader of this church is labeled “the false prophet” and is mentioned in conjunction with a political leader called “the beast.”
Based on these scriptures, Plain Truth editor in chief Herbert W. Armstrong long predicted that the office of the papacy would grow in strength until it became the religious force unifying the European continent. Notice this excerpt from the Plain Truth in October 1961: “The pope will step in as the supreme unifying authority—the only one that can finally unite the differing nations of Europe. The iron jurisdiction over both schools and religion will be turned over to the Roman Catholic Church. Europe will go Roman Catholic! Protestantism will be absorbed into the ‘mother’ church—and totally abolished” (emphasis added).
These forecasts may or may not be fulfilled during the papacy of Pope Francis, who has stated that he feels his pontificate may be brief. Regardless, they are sure to come to pass. They are based on the sure word of Bible prophecy.
To understand what the Bible says about the religious system that will dominate the Western world during the last days of man’s civilization, request a free copy of Mr. Armstrong’s booklet Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?

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