Friday 13 October 2017


The Source of the Forecast

Why did Mr. Flurry forecast that Iranian-led radical Islam would dominate the Middle East? What were his sources? Why was he so consistent and so confident in that forecast? And why is it important?
Mr. Flurry derived this forecast from the Holy Bible.
Daniel 11:40 says this:
And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
This is the key Bible verse that describes the existence of a northern bloc and a southern bloc and a massive clash between the two. Daniel wrote this forecast in the sixth century b.c.—but he said it would occur a long time into the future: “the time of the end.” Just when is the end? There are many tangible proofs that it is the time we are living in today, and immediately before us!
Is it really possible that this 2½-millennia-old prophecy accurately describes 21st-century Iran? Compare these scriptures to what has actually happened over the past couple of decades.
Daniel’s prophecy shows that the provocative king of the south is going to push at the king of the north. Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon says push means “to strike—used of horned animals,” or “to push with the horn.” It is “used figuratively of a victor who prostrates the nations before him.” It also means “to wage war with anyone.” Push is a violent word!”
In 1998, Mr. Flurry wrote this in an article called “The King of the South”:
The stage is being set for an Islamic group of nations to be led by Iran as the prophesied king of the south which will push at the king of the north, the European Union. Iran has a foreign policy with a lot of “push.” … Iran’s main strategic aim is to be the dominant power in the Middle East. Becoming the undisputed leader of the radical Islamic camp is a step in that direction.
Looking around the Middle East, Iran clearly has a foreign policy with the most pushiness.

Iran’s Red Sea Strategy

The Trumpet has noted that Iran’s push will likely come in part from its having gained control of the Red Sea passageway and thus the ability to stem the flow of oil and other precious commodities into Europe.
This strategy first came to light in 2011, just before the “Arab Spring” wave of radical Islam spread across North Africa, toppling governments in Libya, Egypt and Yemen. At the time, in his article “Libya and Ethiopia Reveal Iran’s Military Strategy,” Gerald Flurry showed how Iran’s interest in forming an alliance with or even controlling Libya and Ethiopia (as well as Egypt and Tunisia) would stem from its desire to have power over the crucial trade route linking the Mediterranean with the Red Sea.
Controlling the Suez Canal is not enough. Egypt tried that in 1956, when Britain, France and Israel kicked it out in one attack. But what if you have radical Islamic nations along this sea trade route with real air power—including missiles?
That could give Iran virtual control of the trade through those seas. Radical Islam could stop the flow of essential oil to the U.S. and Europe!
Iran already dominates the Persian Gulf. Now it is working to take over the Red Sea. You can see this by how involved it is in Yemen, the heavy influence it has gained in Somalia, and the long-standing relationship it has had with Sudan. This biblical prophecy reveals that it will gain control of Ethiopia and of Egypt, which controls the Suez Canal, the gateway to the Mediterranean Sea.
Mr. Flurry has repeatedly pointed to Daniel 11 to explain this trend. He wrote in the July 2016 Trumpet:
“He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape” (verse 42). As we have said for 20 years, this indicates that Egypt will join in an alliance with Iran. But notice who else will be in that alliance.
“But he [the king of the north] shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.” “At his steps” means they will join his army or be under his authority. Why would Libya and Ethiopia be subjugated like this by the king of the north? They too were allied with the king of the south.
Iran already dominates the Persian Gulf. Now it is working to take over the Red Sea—a crucial passageway for the flow of oil and other precious commodities into Europe.
Connect the dots on the map, and you can see that Iran seeks to control the greatest trade route in the world, which will give it leverage to push powerfully against Europe.
However, history and prophecy indicate that there is another, more potent reason for the clash between these kings: They both want Jerusalem.

The Whirlwind Attack

Daniel 11:40 reveals that as the Iranians push their own agenda—growing more and more confident by other nations’ weakness and inaction—they will be blindsided by a whirlwind attack that will wipe them out!
Based on this prophecy, the Trumpet has forecast for 25 years that Iran and its radical Islamist allies are going to be conquered. The Bible even tells you how this will happen! Daniel 11:40 speaks of a “whirlwind.” This one word exposes how this clash with Iran will unfold. It reveals in detail what is about to happen in the Middle East—and in Africa, southwest Asia and Europe.
Daniel 11:40 describes how the king of the south will be violently invaded by the “king of the north”: “At the time of the end”—again, the time immediately ahead—“shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.”
This prophecy describes Germany and a resurrected, 21st-century iteration of the Holy Roman Empire. The Germans are excellent war strategists and warriors. They are savvy enough to realize that they will never have peace with Iran. They know that sooner or later, their two religions—their two civilizations—will clash.
This scripture describes a time when Germany’s Catholic empire will wage all-out war, throwing everything it has at radical Islam—and dominating it like a violent flood pouring in!
How could Germany do this so easily, so effectively and so quickly?
Such a devastating offensive could not be summoned overnight. Think about the keyword in Daniel 11:40. The verse talks about an attack from the king of the north, but the emphasis is on the strategy of this military attack.
If you’re in a whirlwind, it whirls all around you. It whirls you away! Look at the map and you can see the German strategy: to surround Iran and its allies.
Germany’s strategy to deal with Iran aligns perfectly with Daniel’s prophecy: “… and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind” (Daniel 11:40).
A careful study of Germany’s military activity shows that it is already positioning itself to carry out just such an attack in the future. Gerald Flurry has written a booklet explaining this that you can read online: Germany’s Secret Strategy to Destroy Iran.
The Iranians are so focused on conquering their own objectives that they don’t see what the Germans are doing. They don’t recognize how Germany is planning for the bigger war to come! Germany has expected to clash with Iran, and it has been working on a strategy for a decade or more. That strategy is almost complete. Germany has surrounded Iran.
Daniel 11:40 is already in the early stages of being fulfilled! Iran and its Islamist allies are caught inside a whirlwind!


Prophesied End

The gigantic clash the Trumpet is expecting, in fulfillment of these biblical prophecies, all begins with pushy Iran.
This is the same nation that is about to get the nuclear bomb. Iranian leaders and many of their people believe the 12th imam—their version of the Messiah—is about to return. They think his return can be hastened by creating violence and chaos. Several nations have nuclear weapons—but only Iran has leaders who harbor such dangerous religious thinking! What will happen when they achieve nuclear capability? What sort of chaos would they stir up if they thought it would cause their messiah to return? In the thrall of religious zealotry, they would not even care about their own destruction!
But who is going to stand up to Iran? If no one will stand up to it today, when it does not yet have nuclear bombs, who will stand up to it when it actually has the bomb?
The Bible does reveal that finally, after being pushed too far, the German-led European power will stand up to the king of the south.
But who is going to stand up to Iran? If no one will stand up to it today, when it does not yet have nuclear bombs, who will stand up to it when it actually has the bomb?
However, the clash between the king of the north and the king of the south all has a wonderful conclusion.
Following the prophecy of Daniel 11 into chapter 12, which is a part of the same vision, we see that this clash will lead to catastrophic world war—“a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time” (verse 1). Many other Bible prophecies talk about this period. Jesus Christ described it as “great tribulation” (Matthew 24:21). This is the dramatic climax of this age of man. Once it is over, God will begin to intervene in world affairs in a powerful way.
Daniel 12:11 mentions an event toward the beginning of that “great tribulation,” when “the abomination that maketh desolate [is] set up.” Christ referred to this statement from Daniel in His famous Olivet prophecy (Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14). He revealed that this “abomination” is actually “Jerusalem compassed with armies”—armies that are about to destroy the Holy City! (Luke 21:20). Putting all the prophecies together shows that these are the European armies of the king of the north after they have conquered the king of the south.
And notice the conclusion to Daniel 12:11: From the time that these armies are set up, “there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.”
Think about that! This prophecy reveals we are getting to a time where you can actually start counting days until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
And it all begins with a push.


The Trumpet has watched Iran for more than 25 years. It projected the rising aggression of its terror-powered foreign policy. Today, the world has begun to recognize that Iran is becoming what the Trumpet forecast in 1992: the “king of the south.” Yet analysts still do not realize what Iran’s future holds: Its aggressive foreign policy will explode into war—not with America, but with a new superpower!
Why has Iran risen so powerfully? Why won’t America confront it? And who is this new superpower? The Trumpet has no special insight into the answers—except for its one “inside source.” That source is the Holy Bible. Find out how the Bible identifies Iran and what it forecasts for the future. Request Gerald Flurry’s insightful free booklet The King of the South.

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