Wednesday 25 October 2017

A Turning Point in German Politics

A strongman is coming on the scene. Daniel 11 says he is going to come in by flatteries. He really knows how to speak the right words.
And what is amazing is, Guttenberg went after American President Donald Trump—in a way a world leader never does to another leader in power! He called him “the violent madman in the White House.” In several public appearances lately, he has been fiercely critical and condemning of America’s president.
He is talking about a man who got over 60 million votes. Is he just criticizing one man? I believe what he is saying says a lot about his attitude toward America.
In 2010, we wrote this on
If you’re unaware of the legacy of Edmund Stoiber and Franz Josef Strauss, read The Grand Design. In short, Strauss—and his protégé Stoiber—envisioned a future in which Germany would emerge as the leader of a federal European superstate—one powerful enough to compete with the United States. Today, Strauss is long dead and Stoiber is on the fringes of German politics—for now.
But Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is carrying Strauss’s torch—and he is one of the most influential politicians in Germany!
Where is this leading? This is what you must watch. The Bible tells us that Germany is going to double-cross America in a dramatic way. You can read about this in Chapter 10 of my book Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet.
Listening to Mr. Guttenberg and the way people are responding to him, I have to say that it looks like the relationship between the U.S. and Germany is already dead!
Prophecy tells us in detail just what this strongman is going to do. It also says that he can’t even imagine the damage he will wreak on America—but at a certain point, his mind is going to change. (Read about this in Chapter 2 of my booklet on the Prophet Habakkuk.) We are watching for that mind change. Perhaps, to some degree, it is already happening!
These things might be the best indication that Baron Guttenberg could be the man we are watching for.
Listen to him. He’s talking like a man who has ambitions to rule Europe! In some ways, he talks like a man who already leads Europe!
Winston Churchill had insight into Germany like nobody else in his time. He said this in 1924: “The enormous contingents of German youth growing to military manhood year by year are inspired by the fiercest sentiments, and the soul of Germany smolders with dreams of a war of liberation or revenge.”
Watch Germany. I believe we are seeing more than just dislike for one man in the White House. There is evidence of a desire for revenge. After all, history would have played out very differently if it hadn’t been for America’s intervention in World Wars and ii.
You wouldn’t think human beings would think that way, but if you understand biblical prophecy, you know that there is an evil spirit being involved who can inspire some very ugly emotions. And the Bible is clear that America’s German “lovers” are going to betray America.
Daniel 8:25 says of this man: “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes [Jesus Christ!]; but he shall be broken without hand.” This man is going to have tremendous power for a short time—but then he is going to be broken by Jesus Christ Himself!
The fact that we are seeing these prophecies about to be fulfilled before our eyes shows how close we are to that magnificent outcome! That is the magnificent hope in Bible prophecy!
So watch closely what is happening in Germany.

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