Monday 23 October 2017

What Is Bible Prophecy?

Prophecy—you might associate that word with apocalyptic movies, mystical books, crazy street preachers. A lot of people do, and dismiss it. But one third of the Bible is prophecy! Just look at the table of contents. Out of the 66 books in the Bible, 18 are named after prophets. And other books have many prophecies—in the Old Testament and New Testament. Genesis prophesied that the descendants of Israel would inherit the Promised Land. 1 Samuel prophesied the coming of Jesus Christ and the return of Jesus Christ. Then there’s the book of Revelation, which is basically entirely prophecy. A lot of intelligent people believe in God. Many even read the Bible very seriously. But when this Book claims to foretell the future, a lot of people reject it. Or they skip to the parts about the love of Jesus. But you know, Jesus Himself was a prophet. He foretold future events, some of which He called end-time events. So if you “believe the Bible,” you can’t ignore the question of Bible prophecy. Have you ever looked into it?  Learn more at

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