Monday 16 October 2017

Ignore the Chatter. Britain Will Leave the EU.

The real story in the Brexit negotiations is that it was predicted over half a century ago.
These discussions are all distractions to the essential point which the Trumpet has proclaimed for decades.
Ignore all the chatter. Britain will leave the European Union.
That is the message the Trumpet has proclaimed since its genesis in the 1990s. Before that, its predecessor, the Plain Truth, had been forecasting that Britain would not be a part of a united European project since the 1950s. That’s how the front cover of the Trumpet magazine immediately after the June 23 referendum could feature this amazing quote from Herbert W. Armstrong, dating back to 1956: “Germany is the economic and military heart of Europe. Probably Germany will lead and dominate the coming United States of Europe. But Britain will be no part of it!”
Amid all the chatter of Brexit and its details, the amazing truth is that Herbert W. Armstrong had forecast, based on the Bible, that it would happen more than half a century earlier. It is why, on the night the results of that historic referendum were released, the Trumpet could publish articles such as “Today’s Headline out of Britain Was Written Over 40 Years Ago!” and “Bible Prophecy Foretold a Brexit!
Britain will leave the EU. It will happen despite the insinuations that Brexit could be reversed; despite the fact that Theresa May who is leading the exodus never was a “Leaver”; despite the conveyor belt of commentary produced by Britain’s media, lambasting every action taken by the government and blaming every move of the stock market on the decision of the people on June 23.
And when Britain has completed the process, editorial staff will update the booklet He Was Rightwhich documents the accurate prophecies of Herbert W. Armstrong—with another fulfilled forecast, proving that the Bible is the only reliable source for prediction.
In the meantime, ignore the Brexit chatter. Whether it’s hard or soft or difficult or easy, Britain’s people decided—and they won’t be part of an ever growing unified Europe.

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