Sunday 31 January 2016

Apocalypse When?

In recent years, there has been a marked increase in interest in end-time prophecy—especially in the U.S. The Y2K hullabaloo, the terrorist destruction of the World Trade Center and the continued bloody tension in the Middle East have piqued many people’s concern and curiosity. Many wonder, Are we living at the time of the end?
Yet, modern Christian messages on the subject of end-time prophecy and the chronology of events leading to the return of Christ are both conflicting and confusing. It is a fact that Christians are deeply divided about how the end will come. It is no secret that Christian views on this subject span a wide range—from the laughing scoffers to militant street-corner preachers.
Many mainline Christian church leaders sit in silent embarrassment over the renewed bugaboo about end-time prophecy. It is awkward enough for them to watch evangelicals and fundamentalists engage in prophecy wars. But some church leaders find it even more humiliating to see evangelicals at odds with evangelicals and fundamentalists pointing fingers at other fundamentalists. Some church leaders and thinkers are trying to come to agreement and publish one unified message. Yet, success has eluded them. Why? The answer is a matter of history.
Before we get into the history, let’s briefly look at what is happening now.

Prophetic Controversy

Here are several major questions concerning the end under hot debate in many Christian circles. Believe it or not, one big question is: Will Christ return? Others are: Will Christ and the saints rule on the Earth for 1,000 years (known as the Millennium)? When will this millennial rule take place—prior to, or after, Christ’s return? Is there a rapture of the saints?
There are other questions—many others! Go to a Bible bookstore and take a look at Christian publications on end-time prophecy and you’ll see what we mean. Each new publication attempts to uncover the mystery behind some prophetic symbol. For example, look at all the books on the subject of the mark of the beast; you will find a wide range of conjectures as to what this is: Social Security numbers, microchip brain implants, number tattoos required by the IRS. Look at all the literature trying to answer the question, just who or what is the beast discussed in Revelation 13? Answers include the United Nations, the United States, the World Council of Churches, Russia and Iraq.
Of course, all books about end-time prophetic events claim their particular message is true.
Unfortunately, what is most true is that end-time prophecy literature has become big business, and many are cashing in! The Left Behind series, a fictional account of end-time events, is one good example. Some Christian leaders feel that there may be a lot of drama in the books, but there is little Bible. Nevertheless, it is a national bestseller. And the New York Times reported that nonfiction books about prophecy increased 71 percent in the eight weeks after the 9/11 attacks compared with the previous eight weeks (Nov. 23, 2001).

The Worst Foreign-Policy Blunder in American History

One Final Push

“And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over” (Daniel 11:40). The king of the south is led by Iran. It has a pushy foreign policy.
The king of the north is led by Germany. America may let Iran get away with acts of war because of a broken will (Leviticus 26:19), but your Bible says that Germany willattack and destroy the king of the south! Germany already has Iran surrounded. (Download our free e-book Germany’s Secret Strategy to Destroy Iran for proof.)
What could enable Iran to push at Germany more than an arsenal of nuclear weapons? Iran relishes the thought of starting World War III! As these two powers build toward confrontation, America, Britain and Judah are nowhere to be found in the Daniel 11 prophecy. The nations of Israel aren’t even in the picture. They will be helpless victims, not aggressors, in the coming war.
As world troubles escalate, God protects His Church from Satan’s vicious attacks (Revelation 12:13-14). The loyal remnant has an incredible future. “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever” (Daniel 12:3).
Worldwide nuclear conflagration is alarming, but it is also a sign of Jesus Christ’s return and the realization of our incredible human potential! 

Saturday 30 January 2016

America's Nuclear Agreement With Iran

Will Christ Return to a Nonexistent Throne? - The Trumpet Daily

Jesus Christ will return to this earth to rule as king. In Luke chapter 1, it says that Christ was born to be king! At his return, it says in verse 33, He shall reign forever and ever—and of his kingdom there shall be no end. That passage also says God will give to Christ the throne of His father David. 

But if the throne of David ceased with King Zedekiah—the last king of Judah—then does that mean Jesus Christ is returning to sit upon a throne that doesn’t exist? In 2 Samuel 7, God promised David that his throne would be established for ever, and that he would never lack a man to sit upon that throne. 

Where is this throne today? Did God fail to fulfill His promise to David? 

The throne of David does exist today, and you must be able to prove it! On this episode of the Trumpet Daily we dig into the exciting history of David’s throne and look to the incredible future that awaits it. 

Make Iran Great Again

The world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism is back in business. The year 2015 will go down as a year of great progress for Iran. It increased its global influence, it boosted its reputation with Western powers, managed a deal which saw the lifting of sanctions and the opening up of billions of dollars, and received a free pathway to building a nuclear weapon. This so-called “progress” should be deeply alarming to the world. Is this the sort of “progress” that will keep Iran from increasing its terrorist actions? United States President Barack Obama seems to think so. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry looks back at President Obama’s determined efforts to bring Iran out from its four-decade-long status as a global pariah.

Iran's Windfall, Stalin's Revival, the Pope's Apology, Gender Fluidity Curriculum, and More

. Iran in enjoying quite a windfall ever since sanctions have been lifted-countries around the world are rolling out the red carpet and doing business with the world's top state sponsor of terrorism.
. Vladimir Putin is resurrecting some unsavory Russian history in order to rally his people-he's promoting a revival of interest in Joseph Stalin.
. Pope Francis is apologizing to Protestants for past Catholic persecution-and paving the way for reconciliation with the Catholic Church.
. The UK is teaching school-aged children about gender-specifically, how the biological reality of male and female doesn't matter-it's all about what gender you want to be-on a sliding scale of gender fluidity.
. We also have stories about why Europe needs a Leviathan government, the Oregon militia standoff, U.S. colleges teaching the Communist Manifesto-and much, much more!
All this-on today's: trumpet hour.

Friday 29 January 2016

Satan’s Power

Many people in this world do not believe in the devil. But even more people do believe in the devil—yet don’t realize what great and frightening power he has!

Many people in this world do not believe in the devil. Even more do believe in the devil—yet don’t realize what great and frightening power he has!
I know that is a strong statement, but it is true. You can prove it from the Bible. If you stop and think about some key biblical verses about Satan, you will be shocked by the extent of his power in our world.
God says that Satan has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9). He also calls the devil “the god of this world,” which means the whole world worships him (2 Corinthians 4:4). If Satan can do all that, he must have tremendous power.
Isaiah 14:12 describes the fall of the devil from his status as an archangel, and it says this being “didst weaken the nations.” The Emphasized Bible translates that, “O crusher of nations.” The American Standard Version says he “didst lay low the nations.” The Jerusalem Bible uses the phrase “enslaved the nations.”
Who today really believes that Satan has the power to crush nations, or lay nations low, or enslave nations?
Do you believe Satan has power like that?
And think about this: If he can do that to the nations, what can he do to you?

You Can Conquer Spiritual Lethargy

What to do when you’ve been letting down

Has any of this happened to you? Have you neglected God and allowed the disease of spiritual laxness to spread into your life? Have you, perhaps after getting off to a strong start, slowed way down—or maybe come to a complete stop?
If so, then take heed and learn from the unhappy lesson of a Jewish king whose first works were much greater than the last. For Asa, it didn’t have to end that way—and neither does it for you. Like Asa—who could have repented, but didn’t—you can turn back to God, even at the very end of your life, and finish the race the way you started.
You can go back and “do the first works” while there is still time (Revelation 2:5). But you had better hurry. Jesus Christ is coming quickly.

Thursday 28 January 2016

France: Wine Is Where We Draw the Line!

France followed right along with the negotiations that led to a deal that essentially paved the way for Iran to build a nuclear weapon. To welcome Iran into the international community and to begin building diplomatic relations, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was invited to France. However, there was no state dinner or even a meal between the two nations' leaders. Why? France was adamant about serving wine at the meal and would not compromise with this to appease Iran. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses the backward reasoning behind the nuclear deal and mankind's handling of various problems around the world.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

The Secret to Australia’s Remarkable Journey

On Jan. 26, 1788, nearly 850 English convicts arrived at Botany Bay, New South Wales. The goal was to establish a home for England’s criminals. But over the ensuing years and decades, and without much forethought and detailed planning, England’s colony in Australia transformed from a fledgling penal colony into a first-rate power and key asset of the globe-girdling British Empire. In today’s program, Trumpet writer Brad Macdonald explains the biblical promise underpinning Australia’s remarkable transformation.

Europe's Nuclear Weapons, Italy's Banking Crisis, and the Future of Farming

. While some people are trying to reduce nuclear weapons, influential thinkers in Europe say the opposite-that considering the dangers in the world today, it's time for Europe to become a more robust nuclear power.
. Italy's third-largest bank is on the verge of bankruptcy-a sign of major economic problems that have huge implications for that country and for the whole of Europe.
. Some people are turning empty city lots into thriving farms that are producing high-quality fresh produce for local city dwellers and restaurants.
. And finally, a few words about how to protect your daughter from our sexualized society.
. All this on today's Trumpet Hour.

There Is a Way to Peace

Today’s leaders talk about peace but gloss over the insoluble problems of this world. Man has been trying to attain peace throughout history but has never discovered a way to achieve it. Strong nations once fought to establish peace and order, but today most leaders choose to simply talk about peace, assuming the problems will take care of themselves. The Bible says that near the end of this age people will say, “Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14). One translation of that verse reads, “You can’t heal a wound by saying it’s not there!” On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses, from the pages of the Bible, the only path that will lead to true, long-lasting peace.
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What Is the Kingdom of God?

Is the Kingdom of God a pretty platitude? Is it an ethereal matter
confined to the hearts of men? Is it a nice sentiment, but in reality it is
an unreal nothing? Tune in to this episode of Live By Every Word hosted by
Brian Davis to make sure that you know the truth about the Kingdom of God.

Monday 25 January 2016

Iran’s 25-Year Ascent to Regional Dominance

In 1992, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry used biblical prophecy to make a bold prediction that was well ahead of its time. “The king of the south could rule Iraq or Iran or both countries. But it is looking more now like Iran may produce this king,” he wrote. Over the next quarter-century, events in the Middle East backed up this dramatic prophecy as Iran quickly progressed toward becoming the most powerful nation in the region. Then on January 16 of this year, Iran’s position as king in the Middle East was finalized. Iran’s ascent to dominance was forecast within the pages of your Bible and loudly proclaimed by the Trumpet—long before current events proved it to be true. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry looks back at the amazing history and prophecy that has led up to Iran being crowned king in the Middle East.

God’s Greatest Masterpiece

The Prophet Micah wrote his biblical account around 750 B.C., but his message is mainly for God’s loyal remnant today. Those who hold fast will receive a reward beyond comprehension!

God’s Greatest Masterpiece

Thankfully, the most spectacular news we could ever hear follows quickly after the Great Tribulation. “But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it” (Micah 4:1-4).
God will soon rule the Earth. All people will worship Him. He will abolish war and ensure peace and prosperity for all. He will show the world that only His way of life—not the disastrous way of Adam and Eve—produces happiness.
“For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever” (verse 5). This verse seems contradictory at first, but it reveals the purpose for man! How can people look to their own gods and still worship the Father and Son in unity? God’s little flock today will be God beings tomorrow, sharing the throne of David with Jesus Christ and helping Him rule for all eternity! People all over the world will worship the God being in charge of their region. There may be more than one God in the World Tomorrow but still only one God Family—and only one God reigning supreme.
This is what the late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in The Incredible Human Potential:
So mark well this super-vital truism—that perfect, holy and righteouscharacter is the supreme feat of accomplishment possible for Almighty God the Creator—it is also the means to His ultimate supreme PURPOSE! His final objective! …

Now came the CROWNING PINNACLE of even God’s unmatched creativePOWER! Now came the very zenith of all divine accomplishment! Now came a project so incredulously transcendently AWESOME it is hard for the human mind to grasp.

How could the great GOD—self-existent, before all else, CREATOR of all else, reproduce HIMSELF into multiplied millions of others JUST LIKE HIMSELF—divine, supreme in power, perfect in character—each by his own choice perfectlylike-minded with the Father, each having so set himself that he CANNOT SIN?
God is re-creating Himself! We are His greatest masterpiece! Nothing is more challenging than turning carnal, selfish humans into sinless, immortal gods.
“I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make GREAT NOISE by reason of the multitude of men” (Micah 2:12). To find where God dwells today, look for a worldwide work making a great noise! We sound the alarm in all nations—on TV and through other mediums. God’s loyal remnant will receive the greatest reward.
The times ahead are daunting, but God uses trials to challenge us to see our extraordinary potential! Study this inspiring subject, and God will bless you beyond measure.