Tuesday 19 January 2016

The Plain Truth About the Trinity Doctrine


The traditional teaching of Christianity is that God is a trinity. Did you know that this doctrine isn’t found anywhere in the Bible?

(Excerpted from Chapter 1 of Mystery of the Ages)
Notice Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning God ….” This originally was written by Moses as God inspired him. Moses wrote in Hebrew. The Hebrew word translated “God” is Elohim—a noun or name, plural in form, but normally singular in grammatical usage. It is the same sort of word as family, church, group—one family consisting of two or more members—one church composed of many members—one group of several persons.
It is referring to precisely the same Persons, making up or composing the one God, as we found in John 1:1—the Word and God—and each of those two Persons is God.
In other words God is now a Family of Persons, composed so far of only the two—God the Father and Christ the Son. But if the Holy Spirit of God dwells in someone, and he is being led by God’s Spirit, then he is a begotten son of God (Romans 8:14). But, at the time of Christ’s return to Earth in supreme power and glory to set up the Kingdom of God, restoring the government of God, abolished by Lucifer, then all being filled and led by God’s Spirit shall become born sons of God. The God Familywill then rule all nations with the government of God restored!
The trinity doctrine limits God to a supposed three persons. It destroys the very gospel of Jesus Christ! His gospel is the good news of the now soon-coming Kingdom of God—the only hope of this world and its mixed-up mankind!
The trinity doctrine, by contrast, is the doctrine of the great false religion called in Revelation 17:5: “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.”
By that doctrine, along with others, Satan has deceived all traditional Christianity.

The Trinity Doctrine

The generally accepted teaching of traditional Christianity is that God is a trinity—God in three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit (which is often called a “Ghost”). How did this “trinity” doctrine enter traditional Christianity?
It most emphatically did not come from the Bible. Revelation 12:9 says that all nations have been deceived by Satan the devil. How, then, did the wily Satan introduce this doctrine into “Christianity”?
The history of this question is interesting. It seems incredible that a being like Satan not only could have deceived the whole world, but also “Christianity”—the very religion bearing Christ’s name and supposed to be His true religion. Yet, paradoxically, Satan did!
He did it through his great false church, started a.d. 33 by Simon the Sorcerer, described in the eighth chapter of the book of Acts as the leader of the Babylonian mystery religion in Samaria. It is recorded in 2 Kings 17:23-24 that Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, who had invaded and conquered the northern kingdom—the kingdom of Israel—moved the people out of their land of Samaria, north of Jerusalem, and moved into that land people of the Babylonish mystery religion from the provinces of Babylon. They were, of course, Gentiles. They inhabited this area of northern Palestine in the time of Christ. The Jews of Judea in Christ’s time would have nothing to do with them, calling them contemptuously “dogs.” They still adhered to this pagan Babylonish mystery religion in the first century.

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