Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Deadly Path of Higher Education

These radicals DO NOT want to “get beyond these issues.” They DO NOT want to “reconcile those differences.” THEY DO NOT! Their fruits prove it! They want to use this as a weapon to inflame bitterness, provoke strife—and AMASS POWER!
This movement is flowing from the top. IT IS ORCHESTRATED! You can understand whythis is happening by requesting a free copy of America Under Attack. It reveals the spiritual dimension behind the actions of the current administration. This is critical to understand.
Stirred by our highest leaders, THE DISCONTENT AND PROTESTS ARE SPREADING QUICKLY TO OTHER CAMPUSES. Across the nation, acts of racist violence are becoming more common and widespread. Riots are increasing. Where will this end? What happens in America as major groups of angry, violent people are mobilized?
The Bible tells us!
Do you realize that the Bible containsmany end-time prophecies about the U.S.? If you have never proved this truth, you need to do so. We will gladly send you a free copy of The United States and Britain in Prophecy to help you recognize America’s identity in biblical prophecy.
Prophecies about America show that IT IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE IN VIOLENCE.
This is an end-time prophecy referring to America: “Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers” (Isaiah 1:7).
What is happening on these campuses is leading into this prophesied scenario. Higher education—or I should say MIS-EDUCATION of these pathetic people who think they know so much—is going to have a lot to do with the fulfillment of this prophecy!
There is an evil spiritual force that seeks to destroy America. That spirit is working in these young people to fulfill that goal. This is all about destroying America’s Constitution—the supreme law of this land! Satan is leading these young people to destruction and leading them to cause this nation to die! People are surrendering to this hateful, evil thinking. It is terribly racist—but it is even worse. It is aligned withsatanic will. That is what is truly happening here!
America has rejected God and embraced sin and evil. You can see why God is so enraged with America that He would allow this to happen.
Prophecy shows that burning in the cities is only the first phase in America’s demise. Once our population is weakened by internal violence and warfare, the nation will be attacked by a foreign power. And then, those who manage to survive that intense tribulation will be taken captive from their own nation and sold into slavery! This is the nightmare that is coming upon America.

Education With Vision

There is a paradox here. Our educational system is supposed to solve society’s problems. But instead, THE MORE EDUCATION PEOPLE RECEIVE, THE GREATER THESE PROBLEMS GROW!
Supposedly, higher education is to produce leaders who can lead us out of these problems. But it does not! Our leaders make matters worse. When you look at the way these students are handling the issue of racism, you can clearly see why. They are not interested in stopping racism! Their methods for supposedly solving the race problem are making it far, far worse—and will lead to a racist explosion! That is a perfect illustration of this terrible paradox.
There is something dreadfully WRONG with the knowledge taught in these schools. Look at the fruits! We have so much of it, and it isn’t helping us! The problems in America’s universities today are powerful proof that this educational system was built on the wrong foundation. The knowledge it teaches is based on the wrong premise.
Modern education has rejected God and His revealed knowledge. It has demolished moral absolutes and biblical instruction. It has exalted human reasoning as the highest source of truth.
If you will open your eyes, you will see that the problems with higher education today show what an abominable failure that approach is!
Where can you find high-quality education that truly can and will solve the problems of this world? It does exist!
I’d like to offer you a free booklet: Education With Vision. It is especially relevant in light of what is happening. It describes the origins of the modern educational system. This will help you understand the crises on our campuses today.
This booklet also has a chapter explaining what true education really is and how to become truly educated. It shows what a blessing education can be when it is built on the revealed knowledge of God.
Herbert W. Armstrong was a terrific educator. He explained the cause of youth violence in his day this way: “The TRUE answer is this: Something has been taken away from this Earth that sorely needs to be restored! That ‘something’ is knowledge of, respect for and obedience to THE GOVERNMENT AND THE LAW OF GOD!” (The Missing Dimension in Sex; request your free copy).
Mr. Armstrong knew whereof he spoke. He wrote in 1970: “I happen to be president of a college with three campuses. On these campuses there are no campus protests, no opposition marches, no student rioting and violence, and no hippies. There isPEACE, happy cooperation between students and faculty and administration. Student faces are wreathed in SMILES which are real and genuine—the outward expression of an inner joy. Visitors are amazed.
“This is the RESULT!
“The CAUSE? We are not a factory of KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION, but of human CHARACTER PRODUCTION” (Plain Truth, August-September 1970).
The work behind this newsmagazine is all about education. We sponsor a K-12 academy and two colleges that provide a model of true education. Contained in these schools is a vision of how right education is about to spread all over this Earth!
As Isaiah 11:9 prophesies, there is coming a time when “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”

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