Friday 22 January 2016

Micah and Your Astounding Potential

The biblical book of Micah is a gripping story of mass rebellion inside God’s own church. It is the epic tale of a tiny loyal remnant fighting head-to-head against corrupt church leadership—and winning.

To find where God dwells today, you need to find the one man prophesied to shepherd a little flock through this betrayal. As the world falls apart, one small church is pointing to a time of peace that will last forever. Hear the urgent warning and the spectacular vision contained in Micah’s message—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Connect with Gerald Flurry and the Key of David at:

Read or watch everything Gerald Flurry here:

Learn more about Gerald Flurry here:

Jesus Christ said, “You shall know them by their fruits.” The same applies to a prophet of God. A true prophet won’t necessarily have millions of followers or expensive assets—but he will have a unique understanding of biblical prophecy. God reveals prophecies directly to one man today. He gives this man a powerful work to help him deliver these prophecies to the world. Is it possible to prove who he is? 

Request our free booklet Who Is “That Prophet”? to learn the identity of a man prominently mentioned in the former prophets and all of the major and minor prophets, plus Lamentations, Daniel and Revelation. You need to humbly and prayerfully study Who Is “That Prophet”? to discover where God dwells today.

Order it here:

God’s loyal remnant broke away from a rebellious church nearly 30 years ago. Request our free book Raising the Ruins to learn what happened to the global humanitarian empire of Herbert W. Armstrong, the most influential theologian in American history. In short, Mr. Armstrong’s successors destroyed his worldwide work, smeared his legacy, sold church property, and hoarded the money. But this story has a happy ending. Of all the splinter groups to leave the Worldwide Church of God, only one fought for Mr. Armstrong’s writings and reputation in a life-and-death court battle. Only one is raising the ruins of his demolished work today.

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