Saturday 30 January 2016

Iran's Windfall, Stalin's Revival, the Pope's Apology, Gender Fluidity Curriculum, and More

. Iran in enjoying quite a windfall ever since sanctions have been lifted-countries around the world are rolling out the red carpet and doing business with the world's top state sponsor of terrorism.
. Vladimir Putin is resurrecting some unsavory Russian history in order to rally his people-he's promoting a revival of interest in Joseph Stalin.
. Pope Francis is apologizing to Protestants for past Catholic persecution-and paving the way for reconciliation with the Catholic Church.
. The UK is teaching school-aged children about gender-specifically, how the biological reality of male and female doesn't matter-it's all about what gender you want to be-on a sliding scale of gender fluidity.
. We also have stories about why Europe needs a Leviathan government, the Oregon militia standoff, U.S. colleges teaching the Communist Manifesto-and much, much more!
All this-on today's: trumpet hour.

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