Friday 29 January 2016

Satan’s Power

Many people in this world do not believe in the devil. But even more people do believe in the devil—yet don’t realize what great and frightening power he has!

Many people in this world do not believe in the devil. Even more do believe in the devil—yet don’t realize what great and frightening power he has!
I know that is a strong statement, but it is true. You can prove it from the Bible. If you stop and think about some key biblical verses about Satan, you will be shocked by the extent of his power in our world.
God says that Satan has deceived the whole world (Revelation 12:9). He also calls the devil “the god of this world,” which means the whole world worships him (2 Corinthians 4:4). If Satan can do all that, he must have tremendous power.
Isaiah 14:12 describes the fall of the devil from his status as an archangel, and it says this being “didst weaken the nations.” The Emphasized Bible translates that, “O crusher of nations.” The American Standard Version says he “didst lay low the nations.” The Jerusalem Bible uses the phrase “enslaved the nations.”
Who today really believes that Satan has the power to crush nations, or lay nations low, or enslave nations?
Do you believe Satan has power like that?
And think about this: If he can do that to the nations, what can he do to you?

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