Thursday 21 January 2016

What Is the True Gospel?

“Just believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you’ll be saved.” That’s what most Christian ministers are working very hard to try to get across to you. Turn on your television on Sunday and see Gospel Video tv, the Gospel Entertainment Network, the Gospel Music Channel and so on. You’ll see preachers telling you all about who Jesus was. Believe on Him! Accept Christ! Let Him into your heart!
The gospel is everywhere on Sunday! Or is it?
Believe it or not, preaching about Jesus Christ and imploring the unconverted to believe on Him is not the same as preaching Christ’s gospel!
Jesus was the Son of God and our Savior. But He was also a messenger. His purpose was tocommunicate something from God to mankind. The miracles of Jesus Christ are not the gospel. His personal attributes are not the gospel. The existence of Jesus Christ is not the gospel.
What Jesus Christ preached is the gospel!
So, if Jesus’s message wasn’t just about Himself, then what was it about? What is the gospel?

False Gospels Preached Today

In today’s professing Christian Western world, we hear a variety of “gospels”: the “gospel of grace,” the “gospel of salvation,” the “social gospel.” Most of these are messages about Christ. Others include the “science of mind” or “religious science.”
None of these are the gospel Jesus proclaimed!
The true gospel Jesus brought proclaims the solution to the world’s sufferings, frustrations and indescribable evils. It goes so far beyond proclaiming that Jesus was real. But men rejected that gospel and crucified Jesus for preaching it! Billions today believe on Christ, but do not believe His gospel—because most have never heard it! They have heard of Christ and what He did. But no one has relayed His actual message. And that true gospel is the solution to your problems, national problems and world problems! It explains how to receive happiness, abundance, fulfillment and eternal life! Yet the vast majority of Christians have never heard the true gospel.

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