Wednesday 20 January 2016

Defining the Sexes

Do you know the differences between guys and girls?

The idea of gender is under attack in our modern world! And it’s coming from two seemingly opposite schools of thought.
One is that gender differences don’t actually exist—that our views of such differences are the result of a cultural brainwashing—so, under the guise of “equality,” society blurs the two genders into one androgynous mix.
The other school of thought is that gender differences do exist—but that they are independent of our actual physical endowments. A man can think he’s a woman, or vice versa. Someone can undergo all sorts of medical procedures and drug cocktails to have the body overhauled to that of the opposite sex.
So you can be a man and think completely like a woman. But wait! How is that possible if there’s no real difference between men and women (as the first school of thought tells us)? Our gender-bender society is speaking out of both sides of its mouth.
The sex-change example is an extreme case of this second school of thought. A more subtle manifestation of it is how society tells us that one gender is different—even better—than another. Men are brutish, capable of only a handful of contributions to society, but women can do it all and have it all. Again, how is that possible, if there’s no real difference between men and women?
God, who created us male and female, reveals in His Word that there are basic differences between the two sexes—physical and mental. In fact, He requires us to know these differences.
This will help combat these confusing and, frankly, perverted signals from society when it comes to the beautiful differences between the two genders. God created these differences for a magnificent purpose.
When I list some of these differences, we might cringe a little. We might bristle up or brace for insult—because society has told us that these differences are unfashionable or inequitable. But keep in mind, from the start, that these differences have nothing to do with one gender’s superiority or inferiority. All these traits certainly come with tremendous advantages, but they also come with weaknesses. For instance, a gender that generally favors an “emotional” response over a “logical” one doesn’t necessarily make one gender better than the other—both responses have their strengths. And God created one gender to complement—to complete—the other. Obviously, He wouldn’t do that by making one full of superior characteristics and the other full of inferior ones!

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