Monday 18 January 2016

The Song of Fools

This exercise in absurdity could go on and on. Are you listening to this nonsense?
Take a breath of fresh air and note this up-to-date wisdom from Solomon in Ecclesiastes 7:5: “It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hearTHE SONG OF FOOLS.”
You hear “the song of fools” everywhere today. Lange’s Commentary says this refers to “the extravagant, boisterous and immoral songs that are heard in the riotous carousals of foolish men.” The SONG OF FOOLS fills the airwaves! Another appropriate term for it can be found in Psalm 69:12: “the song of the drunkards.”
Everything about “the song of fools” engages the carnal mind. It has instant appeal, like sugar on the tongue. But like refined sugar, its messages are incredibly toxic. And it affects you more than you realize.
The peddlers of these songs are attractive—or certainly fascinating, even in bizarre ways. But theirs is the seduction of the “strange woman” of Proverbs 5 and 7. They often live debauched lives. Their views are twisted; their morals are sick. The most popular among them openly advocate rank materialism, illegal drug use, sexual license and perversion. They are miserable—often openly, proudly so! Yet millions of young people listen, watch, hum along, absorb and allow these pop stars to shape their thinking.
2 Corinthians 6:17 tells us to come out from the world and be separate. Hear the rebuke of the wise! It’s so much better than getting caught humming the song of fools.

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