Friday 16 September 2016

Are You Listening to the Right Music?

A condemning prophecy in Amos 6, directed at God’s people in the end time who are leading a materialistic lifestyle, shows that music is one of the major factors bringing down Israel.

Verse 5 says they are into music “like David”—itlooks righteous, but it’s leading them into captivity! (verse 7). How can that be? Well, we know that Satan himself poses as an angel of light. Certainly this shows that we cannot simply take a cursory glance at music and determine whether it is good or not, because we could be falling into one of Satan’s deadliest traps!
Christians must know how to discern good and evil—especially when it comes to this ever-elusive subject of music.

Music is one of Satan’s main talents and tools and is one of the sins sending the Western world into tribulation! But music is also a force for great good if used properly. Let’s use good music to invite God’s presence into our lives. Let’s use good music to have His Holy Spirit flow more mightily so that we can keep Satan’s destructive influence out—conquering him once and for all!

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