Friday 23 September 2016

Charlotte Unrest, Impending World Financial Crisis, U.S. Terror Attacks, Putin President for Life?

• Protests in Charlotte, North Carolina, turned violent this week after a black man was shot by a police officer. Hostility toward whites continues to grow even though in this case the officer and the police chief are black.
• Two well-respected financial organizations issued serious warnings this week that a global financial crisis is about to strike—and they had two separate reasons for saying so.
• Analysts say that China’s aggressive presence in the South China Sea is so great that it cannot be aimed merely at challenging regional threats—it must be aimed at the United States.
• Three separate terrorist attacks in the United States last Saturday highlighted the fact that there has been an 800 percent increase in terrorism around the world in the past five years.
• We’ll also talk about the rise of stunningly extremist political parties in Germany—how Vladimir Putin may have cemented his power as Russia’s president for life—and a discovery at the Dead Sea that confirms the accuracy of the King James Version of the Bible.

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