Saturday 17 September 2016

Who Was The End-Time Elijah?

Jesus Christ said that He would send a specific type of servant who would prepare the way for His Second Coming. Christ said this man would come in the end time, and would be like his ancient servant Elijah. This man has already come, just as Christ said he would. Learn about a recent religious leader who had the same power as a man of God who parted rivers, caused drought, and called down fire from heaven. Next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Thousands of years ago, God gave the Prophet Elijah the power to change the course of a nation. Christ prophesied that a man like Elijah would come with the same spirit and power as Elijah and would restore all things. A man of God who died 30 years ago used this same divine power to restore all the fundamental doctrines to God’s Church. To learn about Elijah and the power God gave to him and to the end-time Elijah, request our free book The Former Prophets: How to Become a King. This Bible history is also prophecy for the future. These ancient events recorded in Joshua, Judges, First and Second Samuel and First and Second Kings give us insight into the present day and into the future. Discover the exciting parallels between your life and the heroic lives of Joshua, Hannah, Samuel, Shiloh, David, Zadok, Elijah and Elisha. Order The Former Prophets, by Gerald Flurry.
The Apostle James wrote his biblical epistle (eh-PIS-sul) with great urgency, convinced that he was living in the end time. God inspired the message of James to teach those who live in the last days before Christ’s return: our time today. James warns about the greatest tragedy on Earth today: God’s people have rebelled against the truth He restored through an end-time Elijah. Request our free booklet The Epistle of James to prove who this end-time Elijah was and how restored the truth of the Bible. James also reveals the spiritual destruction that broke out after this Elijah-type died; this booklet shows how to stop that destruction. Order The Epistle of James, by Gerald Flurry.
The end-time Elijah has come and gone. Since the day of his death 30 years ago, everything has changed in God’s Church. Request our free book Malachi’s Message to learn the riveting story of how God’s Church plunged off the tracks and what God did to save His loyal people from spiritual catastrophe. It’s a sobering account of betrayal versus loyalty in the midst of a deadly spiritual war. And it all revolves around the end-time Elijah. Learn where the remnant of God’s loyal people are working today. Order Malachi’s Message, by Gerald Flurry.
All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Order The Former Prophets, The Epistle of James, and Malachi’s Message today!

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