Friday 16 September 2016

World Peace Coming Soon

The world is at war. With the Iranian nuclear deal coming to fruition, the bloody advance of the Islamic State throughout the Middle East, and the almost daily terrorist attacks around the world, we see footage of war and violence on the news every day. There are many wars and significant armed conflicts taking place right now that directly or indirectly affect the lives of millions. On top of all this, there is violence, rampant corruption, greed and deceit within our cities.
Where is this way of life taking us? The number one question facing mankind today is that of human survival!
Will we ever see world peace? Many leaders in government, science and education agree that world peace is possible only through world government. But will we ever see such a world government, or is it merely wishful thinking? The leaders of the world today could not possibly agree on who would rule the Earth and how.
Are world government and universal peace utterly impossible? Are you doomed to live in a world torn apart by conflict?
You need to understand what the Bible says about this. While it does give some explicit detail of how bad things will get in this present evil world, it also tells of a future filled with hope—a future that will occur within your lifetime! Get your Bible and answer the questions in this study directly from the Scriptures to capture this vision of peace that is coming soon to the whole world.

A Coming World Government

More than 2,500 years ago, during the time of the great Chaldean empire (circa 625-538 b.c.), King Nebuchadnezzar had a startling dream. None of his magicians and astrologers could tell him what the dream was or explain it, but the dream and its meaning were both revealed to a young Jewish man named Daniel (Daniel 2). This dream revealed the outline of world events that would occur from Daniel’s time all the way to our present day—and just beyond.

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