Friday 16 September 2016

Is Free Money the Way Out of Poverty?

Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Mr. Armstrong’s priority shifted from seeking physical gain to building righteous character. The Bible doesn’t place the importance on physical wealth as our society does today. God’s concern is our character development. Beware falling into a system that discourages values such as hard work, strong families and good morals. Not developing character is the greatest form of poverty any person could experience. That is why free money is a dangerous trap.
It’s too late for the United States to turn it around as a nation. But you still have the power to choose to get off the dangerous path this nation is heading down. Mankind has experimented with all sorts of governments and economies. All have failed to bring true prosperity to the world. But there is a system that works. Isn’t it about time you learned what it is?
Read “Is God a Socialist?” and “The Welfare System That Works.” These articles will make plain God’s approach to money and how mankind can prosper like never before! 

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