Wednesday 14 September 2016

Ethiopia on the Brink?

Prophecy Says Iran Will Get Involved

Some might scoff at the idea of a foretold Ethiopian alliance with Iran. But Iran’s goals for the region mirror what is written in the pages of your Bible!
As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry explains, from Daniel 10:10 to the end of the prophetic book is the longest single prophecy in the Bible. It mainly focuses on “the time of the end” (Daniel 11:40). The Moffatt Bible translates that expression, “when the endARRIVES.” And that time is here now!
All you need to do is get a good map of the Middle East, with the emphasis on the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Then you can see why the king of the south, or radical Islam, is so interested in an alliance with or control over these two countries (as well as Egypt and Tunisia). They are on the two seas that comprise the most important trade route in the world!

Whoever heavily influences or controls Ethiopia will undoubtedly also control the small areas of Eritrea and Djibouti on the Red Sea coastline. These areas only recently became independent of Ethiopia. Also, I believe the Bible view is that these small areas are included as part of Ethiopia.
Who else but Iran is working so aggressively to promote radical Shiite Islam in these nations?
Mr. Flurry continued, “That could give Iran virtual control of the trade through those seas. Radical Islam could stop the flow of essential oil to the U.S. and Europe!”
Now read Daniel 11:43 and see Ethiopia specifically mentioned by name as a part of this alliance! Mr. Flurry explains in his booklet The King of the South,“So you need to watch Libya and Ethiopia. They are about to fall under the heavy influence or control of Iran, the king of the south. That is why they are subdued in the king of the north victory.”
These prophecies are sure. They are going to happen! There will be a king of the south, and he will control Ethiopia. And as Daniel wrote, there will be a sudden confrontation between this king and the king of the north.
Though God says this battle will usher in terrible times in the short term, there is also good news bound up in this warning. These prophesied events lead up to the return of Jesus Christ!
Just as God prophesies the rise and fall of nations, He also prophesies the return of His Son and the establishment of His Kingdom forever! For more information, read our free booklets Libya and Ethiopia in Prophecy and The King of the South 

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