Friday 16 September 2016

Week in Review: The Next World War?, Unrest in Libya and Ethiopia, North Korea’s Nuke Test

• Is World War III about to start? The world is experiencing a collection of threats in Asia and Europe, as well as the Middle East and elsewhere. Analysts say conditions look more and more like what led up to World War II.
• The strategic African nation of Ethiopia is in turmoil. It appears ripe for a foreign power to take advantage of, and evidence shows which power that may be.
• North Korea tested a new nuclear weapon this past week—miniaturized, higher yield than any previous test—yet the U.S. did next to nothing in response.
• In Libya, the UN-backed government is in trouble. Opposition forces seized control of oil facilities and are gaining ground. What is Libya’s future?
• We’ll also talk about a cardinal warning that Islam is taking over Europe—how the Philippines could switch allegiance from the U.S.—how few Americans trust the media—and how some people say “religious liberty” is just code for homophobia and racism.

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