Friday 9 September 2016

Germany, Political Crisis and Superman

As we watch the situation in Germany we need to keep an eye out for potential Merkel replacements. For an individual with the right personality and leadership, GERMANY RIGHT NOW IS AN OPPORTUNITY. There are millions of disenfranchised and angry Germans craving a leader whom they can really get excited about. Multiple major crises are brewing that need solutions, but they can also be leveraged as political opportunities to assume higher office. And, at least so far, there is no serious competition for public favor other than Chancellor Merkel. But Merkel’s star is diminishing.
And it would fade even quicker if the German people were presented with another option. If they were presented with a leader who was energetic, eloquent and personable; a leader who wasn’t shy about confronting the issues; a leader who wasn’t afraid to talk tough, but also make tough decisions; a leader whose personality and politics appeared suitably modern, moderate and sophisticated, but who could also think and speak and act pragmatically, with force, vigor and power. A leader who felt fresh and new, but at the same time was experienced in German politics, tradition and customs. Perhaps a leader with an impressive royal legacy, who would stir the patriotic sentiments of the German people. A leader who could capture the imagination of the German people. A leader capable of filling the role of German superman.
Perhaps someone like …

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