Friday 31 July 2015

The America Europe Financial Crisis

The War of the Churches - The Trumpet Daily

Hamas Terrorist Group Fulfills Bible Prophecy

Trumpet Daily Radio Show – Hamas is improving relations with Iran’s regional opponent, Saudi Arabia. A recent visit by Hamas leaders to Saudi Arabia has outraged Iran. The Trumpet forecasted more than three years ago about a split between Iran and it’s proxies around Israel. On today’s program, Trumpet columnist Brad Macdonald digs into the prophetic importance of these alliances in the Middle East.

A World Gone Mad.

Jews are fleeing Europe, Christian’s are being slaughtered in the Middle East and North Africa, women and girls are being taken captive in Syria and Iraq and made sex slaves, thousands of Muslim girls in Britain are being mutilated, Russia is on the march, China is building a navy to rival the U.S., Iran is building a nuclear bomb, America is being overrun by illegal immigrants and the euro-crisis is forging a United States of Europe. Yet, amid all these events, the biggest headline this week is about the death of a lion in Zimbabwe. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry shows how the world is totally blind to some of the worst crises in history.

How the Global Financial Crisis Will Produce Europe’s Ten Kings.

The German Question (and the German Solution)

How exactly do America’s problems tie in with Europe, Greece and Germany? How are they bringing about the 10 kings of the final Holy Roman Empire?
“Europe, once again at a moment of crisis, faces the quandary of how to deal with German power. The German question is back,” wrote the New York Times’s Roger Cohen on July 13. “Precisely the thing that Germans were most uneasy about, and their neighbors, too, has now occurred. Germany dominates Europe to a degree unimaginable even 15 years ago.”
The American-European financial crisis is empowering Germany to dominate Greece and the rest of Europe in a way that will ultimately pare the European Union down to 10 nations!
In his article on July 13 titled “Greece Is Being Treated Like a Hostile Occupied State,” the Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard wrote that the new deal for Greece’s bailout is “the worst of all worlds. They have solved nothing. Germany and its allies have for the first time attempted to eject a country from the euro .…” In other words, it’s going to unravel and, as the Bible prophesied, it’s going to lead to those 10 nations.
Pritchard said that the German-brokered Athens deal “offers no conceivable way out of the country’s perpetual crisis.” He likened it to a military invasion by the EU’s monetary union (EMU) to enforce whatever it wanted.
Greece’s former finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, said in a July 13 interview with the New Statesman that the EMU is “completely and utterly” controlled by Germany. “It is all like a very well-tuned orchestra, and [Germany’s finance minister] is the director.”
Can you imagine Germany moving in and controlling YOUR country? Something amazing is happening in Europe, and Germany has power that was supposed to be dispersed among and controlled by all of these EU members. They were supposed to control a dangerous Germany, but look at what Germany is doing today.
Reuters quoted one diplomat saying that the austerity measures imposed on Greece are tantamount to turning Greece into a “German protectorate.”
Herbert W. Armstrong predicted years ago that the collapse of the western world’s financial system, led by the United States, would unite those 10 nations into what is called the Holy Roman Empire—led by Germany.
It is a development that will shock the world! But if you study these events within the bigger picture of Bible prophecy, you realize that it is going to lead to Jesus Christ returning to personally DESTROY that great empire and to usher in peace and joy and happiness for all eternity! 

Thursday 30 July 2015

Britain Ahead of Schedule on Military Cutbacks.

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The British army has cutback more than 20,000 personnel three years ahead of a 2018 target date. This rapid downsizing of UK’s army will only invite further aggression from Britain’s enemies. Stephen Flurry covers this development and more on today’s program.


Educating Our Children.

This Trumpet Hour, host Joel Hilliker leads a discussion on children. In Russia, Vladimir Putin is giving children as young as 5 years old military-patriotic education to prepare them to give their lives for their country. This gives insight into how Russia’s future will look when this generation comes to age. In the U.S., the Obama administration says our public schools are too strict and too disciplinarian. Trumpet Hour looks into what this administration is concerned about and what its extremely controversial solutions are.
Then the Trumpet Hour interviews two men who just finished directing a summer youth camp here in Edmond, Oklahoma—a camp that uses discipline in a positive way to get some wonderful results!
Finally, Joel Hilliker shares his own experience of a summer youth camp he attended as a teen and how it helped his relationship with his parents. All this on Trumpet Hour.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind.

THINK! Will any human person still be alive on this Earth in another five or ten years? The number one problem we all face today is that of HUMAN SURVIVAL! WHY has the human mind produced such AWESOME modern progress, yet remains HELPLESS in the face of such appalling EVILS? The answer to this baffling enigma lies in the HUMAN MIND. In the following pages you will learn what psychologists and scientists do not know about the HUMAN MIND!

The Truth About Christmas.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

True Education Begins in the Home.

America’s education system is in a crisis. From 2001 to 2012, nearly 3.5 million students were suspended from school; another 3.5 million were given in-school suspensions. President Obama says U.S. schools need to rethink discipline, especially when it comes to dealing with minorities. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses the root cause of America’s educational crisis.

Russia and China in Prophecy.

America’s status as the world’s lone superpower is rapidly fading. Other nations and groups of nations are angling to fill the void. Rising in the East is an emerging power bloc of tremendous potential-in manpower, economic heft and military might. Its growing presence is intensifying global competition for resources and for geopolitical influence. Where will this trend lead? You can know! Biblical prophecy provides a remarkable, penetrating preview of Asia’s future!

Sunday 26 July 2015

The Coronation of Iran as King - The Trumpet Daily

A Deep Dive On The Iran Nuclear Deal.

Today's Trumpet Hour discusses more fallout from the Iran nuclear deal. Trumpet writers touch on the recent anti-American rhetoric and look into how the U.S. has obligated itself to protect Iranian nuclear infrastructure from attack. We also use history to inform us on the outcome of the deal, using North Korea as our precedent.
Next, Joel Hilliker leads a discussion about how Turkey is entering the fray in the fight against the Islamic State. Trumpet Hour shows why this could change the geopolitics of the Middle East and why this is significant from a Bible prophecy standpoint.
A prominent European head of state is calling for the European Union to trim down to fighting weight. Trumpet Hour explores how the Greece economic crisis can lead to just that.
Also, discussed is how the Obama administration is trying to solve the recent high-profile immigration problems by making it even easier for immigrants to stay in the country. All this and much more on today’s Trumpet Hour.

Fire From the Sky.

Nuclear War Prophesied

These scenes are not easy to think about. When we do, the natural response, besides empathizing with these victims, is to view Hiroshima and Nagasaki first and foremost as tragic history, unique, anomalous and distant. The reality is, this history is prophecy. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are in our future.
“It’s time we face the hard, cold, realistic fact,” wrote Herbert W. Armstrong in his book The Incredible Human Potential. “Humanity has two alternatives: Either there is an Almighty, all-powerful God who is about to step in and set up the Kingdom of God to rule all nations with supernatural and supra-national FORCE to bring us peace—or else all human life will be obliterated.”
Mr. Armstrong recalled Jesus Christ’s prophecy in Matthew 24. This chapter describes world events right before His Second Coming. Consider Christ’s words in verses 21-22: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
This devastation will exceed anything mankind has ever experienced. Think about the Second World War—the scenes in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Auschwitz, Dachau and Treblinka—then multiply the suffering a thousandfold. This is what the Bible says is imminent! It will be so bad that if Christ didn’t return and intervene, “there should no flesh be saved.” Mankind would be wiped out, vanquished, made extinct!
The only way this could happen in a short span of time is if nuclear bombs are being detonated!
There are about 20,000 nuclear bombs on this planet. Experts believe it would only require 50 to 100 of them, depending on their size, to wipe out every human on Earth. Mr. Armstrong continued: “The recent ‘recess’ will soon erupt into nuclear World War iii—called in biblical prophecy the ‘Great Tribulation.’”
This is real, and it is coming soon! You need to think about this, right now.
As important as it is to ponder the history of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and its impending repetition, it is vital to keep the larger picture in mind. Remember the theme of Matthew 24: Jesus is prophesying events to occur immediately before His return and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Recall this as you meditate on this subject: The worst suffering in human history precedes the greatest, most joyous event in human history—the return of Christ and establishment of God’s government!
God is merciful and loving, and He is going to cut short the suffering. As Mr. Armstrong wrote: “God will cut short that final supreme world trouble, and send Christ again to Earth as King of kings, Lord of lords—to restore God’s government by the world-ruling Kingdom of God!”

Friday 24 July 2015

America-Iran Nuclear Agreement

The Illegal Immigrant Crime Wave in Texas

Immigration in the United States is not what it used to be. Before 1970, 80 percent of America’s immigrants were European. Since then, 80 percent have come from non-European regions—mostly Asian and Latin American countries. Those pouring in today, Pat Buchanan wrote in Day of Reckoning, "come from countries, continents, and cultures whose peoples have never before been assimilated by a First World nation. And they are coming in far greater numbers than any nation has ever absorbed. History has never seen an invasion like this.” On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses America’s immigration invasion.

Negotiating Human Survival

The Persian nation is going to continue pushing and pushing—and probably soon it will push with nuclear capability! However, the Bible shows that there will be a power that will stand up to it. Daniel 11:40 shows the end result for the nation of Iran: “And at the time of the end shall the king of the south [radical Islam led by Iran] push at him [a resurrected Holy Roman Empire in Europe]: and the king of the north [the Europeans] shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.”
This prophecy reveals that a European power is soon going to be strong enough to deal with Iran in exactly the way America won’t.
Ultimately, though, this explosive situation will result in nuclear war. Passages including Matthew 24:21-22 and Daniel 12:1-2 describe a time of such catastrophic destruction that they must be talking about nuclear warfare. Isaiah 6:11, Jeremiah 2:15 and many other prophecies foretell cities without even one inhabitant. Only nuclear weapons could cause that.
Can’t we see that there is no human solution to this crisis? Matthew 24:21-22 tell us exactly that. Without the return of Jesus Christ, mankind would war all the way to the point that there would not be a single human being left alive on Earth! This is talking about the nuclear war just ahead of us!
But these verses also show that there is good news: Jesus Christ is going to stop us from destroying ourselves completely! He is going to return—not an Islamic Mahdi currently hiding in a well. Jesus Christ is going to return in all power from heaven and place His feet upon the Mount of Olives, and bring us the real true and lasting peace that we all desire!

Never A Better Time for America’s Enemies.

America’s latest moves have left its allies baffled and its enemies stronger. The US has restored relations with Communist Cuba, convinced Ukraine to given in to Vladimir Putin’s territorial demands, and freed the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism from crippling sanctions. As Stephen Flurry explains on today’s program, there’s never been a better time to be an enemy of the United States.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Why Israel? - The Trumpet Daily

God raised up Israel as His chosen nation for a special service preparatory for the Kingdom of God.
If God is no respecter of persons, then why did He raise up the ancient nation of Israel as His chosen people? The Bible is indeed a book about Israel—other nations are mentioned only as they come into contact with Israel. But there is a reason God chose Israel. And this truth is a mystery to the world—it’s unknown by any religion, including Christianity and even Judaism!
The Bible, as Herbert W. Armstrong taught in this book, Mystery of the Ages, is essentially a book about Israel. Its history, from beginning to end, is primarily the history of one nation or people—the Israelites. And its prophecy, too, pertains primarily to this people of Israel, and to other nations only insofar as they come into contact with Israel.

Pope Francis’s Global Revolution.

Pope Francis is the world’s most popular and influential leader, and he is seeking to shake things up dramatically. Francis takes an approach to politics unlike most religious figures; he is biased, he is active, and he is serious about change. On today’s program, Trumpet columnist Brad Macdonald discusses some of the Pope’s recent speeches and actions, and explains it all in light of some telling prophecies from the book of Revelation.

Radical Transformation in the Name of Justice

America’s foundational institutions are under attack. The Obama administration, in an attempt to reform what it views as racial inequality, is gathering detailed statistics to monitor racial incidents in prisons, workplaces, banks, schools, and even neighborhoods. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry discusses the dramatic, and dangerous impact these changes will have on America.

Is There Anything to Prayer?

Are your prayers getting through to God? Christ set the perfect example in getting through to the Father in prayer. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry studies the fundamentals of the most important form of communication: Prayer.

Is There a Real Spirit World?

A majority of people believe there is a God. But many of these same people believe evil spirits and the devil are fictional.
More and more, popular movies, television shows, books and entertainment fixate on demonism, mysticism and the occult, including psychics, vampires and witches. But are these things actually real?
According to the Telegraph, a third of all phone calls received by Catholic officials in the diocese of Rome—the pope’s own backyard—now relate to requests for exorcisms (April 13).
A lot of people think that this spiritual dimension is unreal. And even those who believe in demons and a devil have conflicting understanding of what this dimension is all about.
But look at this world: warfare, terrorism, riots, torture, starvation, hatred, corruption, materialism, perversion.
Is there a spirit behind these actions?
If you can believe your Bible, the answer to that question is a resounding yes.

‘The God of This World’

Satan and his demons—the entire spirit world, in fact—have been a great mystery to this world. The Apostle Paul revealed the astounding reason why this is the case: “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).
Who is “the god of this world”? Most people would say God, the Creator. But “the god of this world” has blinded the minds of people to the gospel of Christ. The god who rules the world is actually Satan the devil. In John 12:31 and John 14:30, this evil being is called “the prince of this world.” We are living in the devil’s world!
When Jesus Christ came to Earth, He and Satan engaged in a titanic battle for its future. Had Satan enticed Jesus to sin, He would have failed, and Satan could have ruled the world forever. Christ didn’t argue when Satan boasted, “All this power will I give thee [referring to all the kingdoms of the world], and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it” (Luke 4:6). That’s because Christ knew that Satan did indeed have charge over the world and its riches.
Note that 2 Corinthians 4:4 says the devil blinds people to truth and reality. In fact, he has deceived mankind into believing he doesn’t even exist!
“Most churchmen today, viewing everything from the perspective of this world today, blindly assume this is God’s world,” educator Herbert W. Armstrong wrote. “They see certain forces of evil in it, and these they feel they must oppose. They see the Christian duty to be that of working to make this a better world. That concept is a wrong viewpoint altogether. This is not a world of God’s making. This is Satan’s world! Satan is the invisible god of this world. He is the author of its organization, its basic philosophies, its systems of government, business, society—yes, and religions!” (Plain Truth, November 1960).

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Obama Administration: We Meant to Say 'Managed Access' to Iran’s Nuclear Sites

What started out as “anywhere, anytime” access to Iran’s nuclear facilities has now been reduced to what administration officials are calling “managed access”—as in a 24-day timetable, after which Western officials might be able to inspect Iranian nuclear facilities. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry follows up on America’s shameful capitulation in Vienna last week.

Monday 20 July 2015

Charleston, SC—How to Solve Race Relations

Four Responses to the Iran Nuclear Deal

If you haven’t already, read Mr. Hilliker’s article titled “How the Iranian Nuclear Agreement Will Change History.” In it he states:

Perhaps the most fearsome question of all is, what will happen when Iran gets a nuclear weapon?

This deal was supposed to prevent this. In reality, it guarantees it—it is simply a matter of time. The Trumpet has warned for years about how the Bible’s description of the sequence of end-time events reveals it will be a radical Middle East power that triggers World War III. It also reveals emphatically that this war will be a nuclear war.

For a detailed look into Iran’s role in these earth-shaking Bible prophecies, request our free booklet The King of the South.

It is important to reflect on what world leaders are saying about the nuclear deal, but far more weight should be put on what God says about it. This deal is going to reshape the Middle East and will affect every person alive. The rise of Iran is pivotal to the fulfillment of major prophecies that—while destructive in the short term—will culminate in the spectacular return of Jesus Christ.

Friday 17 July 2015

The German Empire is Back

The economic crisis in Greece has blown Germany’s cover! Over the past week, we have seen the clearest, most naked display of German aggression since the end of World War 2. Over the last half century, Germany has used the European Union as a cloak for its ambitious aims. Now the cloak has been removed. Find out more on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

The Coronation of Iran as King of the South

The nuclear deal has made Iran the undisputed king of the Middle East. Many analysts can see what is happening and are alarmed by the implications of the deal. However, the Trumpet began saying Iran would be king in the Middle East over twenty years ago. Bible prophecy provides insight into what’s happening and what is going to happen in the Middle East. Join Stephen Flurry on today’s show as he discusses the danger of this deal and its prophetic importance.

The Plague of the Human Heart

Why has man been unable to find world peace? Despite all the efforts to forge peace and end war, the world has spiraled into an even more chaotic and violent state. What is the solution to this mess? Mankind has never been able to discover the answer because he refuses to acknowledge the cause of the world’s evil: Human nature. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry examines how man’s failure to learn from history and his own human nature is pushing the world further from peace.

Greece Conquered by Germany—and the Iran Nuclear Deal

It’s been another huge week with the news, and Trumpet Hour is ready to take you through it. Joel Hilliker starts with the amazing turn in the Greek economic crisis. After the public voted no to an international bailout, Greece’s prime minister still got the deal passed and now the country has essentially been conquered by Germany.

Trumpet Hour also discusses the Iranian nuclear deal. President Obama says it makes us safer because it imposes “robust and intrusive” inspections, but is that true?

Next an Islamic terrorist attack on Tennessee leaves four U.S. Marines dead. Trumpet Hour explores what lessons we can learn from the tragedy.

During this eventful week, Russia quietly gobbles up more territory in Georgia. And finally, Trumpet Hour talks about why the close look at the dwarf planet Pluto should inspire us all. All this and more on Trumpet Hour.

How the Iranian Nuclear Deal Will Change the World

An Iranian nuclear deal has been reached. Yesterday it was announced that an agreement has been reached with Iran regarding its nuclear program. Economic sanctions will be lifted and Iran made certain concessions on its nuclear activities. This really is a huge moment for Iran, the Middle East and for the world.

Is it a good deal or a bad deal? While many of the analysts focus on that question, Trumpet Hour looks at some of the ways that this will change world events and how it actually fulfills some very important prophecies in your Bible. There are a number of ways that this is going to accelerate events in the Middle East, and beyond, that align exactly with what we have been anticipating would happen based on the prophecies of the Bible. It’s really important that we recognize just what a decisive moment in world events this really is.

How will Europe respond to the increasing dangers in the world? Discussion about the need for a strong European army is giving rise to European nations taking matters into their own hands and combining their forces. We’ll see how Europe might confront the dangers of the 21st century—and how Germany is at the center of it.

Finally Joel Hilliker ends Trumpet Hour with a lesson he learned from his first triathlon.

Greece Euro Crisis Reveals That Germany Rules Europe

For decades, this was the signature prophecy repeatedly proclaimed by Herbert W. Armstrong: the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire—a 10-nation European superstate dominated by Germany.

The euro crisis is helping to bring all of this about.

Sixty years ago, no one could foresee Germany rising again and dominating Europe—except for Mr. Armstrong. Ten years ago, no one could have envisioned Germany unilaterally and aggressively transforming a fellow European power into a vassal state—except for Mr. Armstrong’s successor, Gerald Flurry.

In August 1950, Herbert Armstrong predicted that “the world will be stunned, dumbfounded, to see Germany emerge suddenly in a power never equaled by Hitler—by a union of 10 nations in Europe, probably including some at present puppets of Russia—in a gigantic United States of Europe. … Soon the ‘United States of Europe’ will emerge, with Germany at its head.”

Those “puppets of Russia” are now part of the EU! We don’t yet see the union of 10 nations—that is coming—but we see Germany clearly as Europe’s head.

In his booklet Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans, Mr. Flurry wrote, “It will not be long before Europe is reunited as the Holy Roman Empire. It will be led very assertively by Germany.” Again, today we see that leadership openly and assertively on the march. In 2011, he wrote:

In May 2010, Germany was forced to bail out Greece’s economy. Last November it rescued Ireland. Other European countries are in the same mess, such as Spain, Italy and Portugal. The economies of these nations, and the future of the entire EUROPEAN UNIFICATION PROJECT, are on LIFE SUPPORT—and Germany’s fingers are on the power switch!

Watch closely. Germany will use this crisis to FORCE Europe to unite more tightly. In the process, some eurozone countries will be forced out of the union. When that happens, the pundits will say European unification is dead, that the European Union has failed. DON’T LISTEN TO THEM!

Every country that leaves the EU puts us one step closer to seeing the German-led 10-nation European superstate!”

Later that year he wrote, “Germany has the economic might and the political will to do what it feels must be done, and nobody else does. Whoever controls the money controls the empire.”

At the start of this crisis, he warned, “How the Germans are dealing with the economic crisis is far from democratic! Those nations that can’t or won’t comply will be kicked out of the European Union!”

That is exactly what we have been witnessing over the past week. This, Mr. Flurry wrote, is one of the most significant moments ever in the history of Europe.

Iran-Egypt Alliance Prophesied

We know the radical Islamic movement in Egypt will certainly have a lot of influence in Egyptian politics; and it’s going to swing that nation toward Iran. Ultimately, that means bad news for Egypt because of the final outcome.

Daniel was written over 2,500 years ago. God knew Egypt would retain the same name it had almost from the beginning and that it would ally itself with Iran! That’s something to get excited about, because one of the foundational proofs of the Bible being God’s Word is fulfilled prophecy!

Egypt in a State of War.

And the government will topple. The Trumpet has long forecast Egypt’s return to radical rulership. Even when Morsi was removed from office, the Trumpet said that Egypt would turn back to radicalism. We can speak with such assurance because it is prophesied in your Bible! As a part of the king of the South alliance—a combine of extremist Islamic nations led by Shiite Iran—Egypt is specifically named! Read it for yourself in Daniel 11:40-42. Here Egypt’s fate is discussed alongside that of the remaining members of the king of the South.

If this radical alliance is to come about, Egypt must again fall to the Islamists. And when you look at Libya or Tunisia, it is not too hard to see how!

While the most exact details on how this will transpire are unclear, there is no denying that we can see the seeds of this transformation being sown. Remember, Egypt’s current government and its prime minister have told the world that Egypt is at war.

Here’s what Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote in the March 2008 Philadelphia Trumpet:

We expect the most radical elements within Egypt to assume control and directly ally themselves with Iran. This worst-case scenario for the U.S. is just what the Bible prophesied will occur soon. We know the radical Islamic movement in Egypt will certainly have a lot of influence in Egyptian politics; and it’s going to swing that nation toward Iran.

Ultimately, that means bad news for Egypt because of the final outcome that is discussed in Daniel 11. Keep an eye on Egypt. Keep an eye on the terrorists in the Sinai. The nation is at war, and we can expect the Islamists to make a major comeback soon!

Wednesday 15 July 2015

What Is the Kingdom of God?

Some think it is a feeling in your heart. Others assume it is the Church. 
Some confuse it with the Millennium. Just what is God’s Kingdom? 

In Mark 1:1, we read of the “beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Gospel means good news. What was the gospel—or good news—Jesus preached? Verse 14 gives the answer: “Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God.”

Christ’s gospel is the Kingdom of God. Why is it important for us to understand the Kingdom of God? Because, Christ said, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel” (verse 15). In order to be saved, we must believe the gospel! To believe, we must know what it is. What is the Kingdom of God?

What Would Herbert Armstrong Say About Greece’s Surrender?

All throughout his 50-year ministry, Herbert Armstrong and the writers that served on his editorial staff pointed to events that were leading to the inevitable rise of a German-dominated, European federation.

Germany Conquers Greece and the United States Surrenders to Iran

The White House says today’s “historic” nuclear deal “will prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.” In fact, time will prove this to be a historic mistake. Meanwhile, Greece has surrendered its sovereignty to Germany. Where are these staggering events leading? Stephen Flurry explains, on today’s program.

How the Iranian Nuclear Agreement Will Change History

Many observers are describing this deal as historic. That is absolutely right—but most people fail to understand WHY. A full appreciation for its significance requires viewing events from the unique perspective of how it fulfills biblical prophecy.

In a number of ways, this deal will accelerate events in the Middle East and far beyond that align exactly with what the Trumpet has been anticipating would happen based on the prophecies of the Bible.

This deal sets the course for what happens in the Middle East for years to come. We are certain to look back on it as a decisive moment in world events.

The most important effect is that it cements Iran’s position as KING OF THE MIDDLE EAST. This is a prophetically significant role that the Trumpet has believed for over two decades that Iran would fulfill. Probably nothing has highlighted the truth of this analysis more than what just happened. You can read the proof behind this conclusion in our booklet The King of the South.

This deal was supposed to prevent this. In reality, it guarantees it—it is simply a matter of time. The Trumpet has warned for years about how the Bible’s description of the sequence of end-time events reveals it will be a radical Middle East power that triggers World War III. It also reveals emphatically that this war will be a NUCLEAR WAR.

President Obama and many other people are making glowing statements about how important this deal is and how it will ensure peace.

The thing about those statements is, TIME WILL SOON TELL.

It doesn’t matter what the politicians and pundits say: History is going to play out—and soon it will be clear to people around the globe what just happened.

This truly was a historic deal. It is setting the course for the Mideast from this point forward—and for nations far beyond that region. Soon the whole world will recognize just what a decisive moment in human history this agreement really was.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Have You Heard the True Gospel?

As strange as it may seem, today’s churches have lost the true gospel that Jesus preached.

Ask any professing Christian if he believes the gospel, and he is sure to immediately respond with a resounding, “Yes!” But press that same person to explain just what the gospel is and, if he is able to reply at all, he will almost certainly give a wrong answer!

This is shocking! Jesus Christ commanded that true Christians repent and believe the gospel. How can one believe it if he doesn’t even know what it is? Jesus also commissioned His disciples to preach the gospel to the whole world (Mark 16:15). Again, how could they, unless they understood the gospel message to begin with?

Further, God inspired the Apostle Paul to pronounce a double curse on all who would teach a gospel other than the true message Jesus brought (Galatians 1:8-9). Many of this world’s churches are in danger of bringing such curses upon themselves and their followers simply because they don’t know what the true gospel is!

Believe it or not, today’s churches have lost, changed, twisted and perverted the true gospel. Some groups have actually changed the name of the gospel. They interpret it as the “social gospel,” the “gospel of wisdom,” the “gospel of grace,” or some other non-biblical title.

Why isn’t the true gospel of Jesus being preached by churches today? Have you ever heard Christ’s own gospel—the very message He preached? You need to understand His message! It is necessary to believe that gospel to be saved!

Let us prove, using God’s inspired Scriptures, just what is the true gospel message.

By far, the most common mistake has been to take the words “gospel of God” and apply them to a different, false message from the one brought by our Savior. Usually, churches preach a message about Jesus—about His birth, life and death.

Where Did Christ’s Apostles Go?

After Acts 11, little is mentioned about their whereabouts. But the truth about their travels unlocks a marvelous mystery! 

Most people misunderstand prophecy because they can’t identify the modern-day descendants of ancient Israel—the 10 tribes that revolted against King Rehoboam’s burdensome regime.

When the 10 northern tribes seceded, they selected Jeroboam as their king, moved their capital from Jerusalem to Samaria and retained “Israel” as their namesake. The two southern tribes, headquartered in Jerusalem, became known as Judah.

During Shalmaneser’s three-year siege of Samaria in the eighth century b.c., the Assyrians uprooted the Israelites from their homeland and deported them as slaves into the land of Assyria, then located between the Euphrates River and the southern shores of the Caspian Sea (see 
2 Kings 17:23-24).

After this event, many historians and scholars lose track of the Israelites. Some assume that the 10 tribes vanished from off the Earth!

But they didn’t disappear. They just lost their identity, as Jesus plainly confirmed a full eight centuries later.

NATO’s Weakness Will Make Europe Stronger

Watch for the combination of a strong Russia and weak-willed U.S. to force European states to bind together in exactly the way the Trumpet has forecast for years. For more information on Europe’s strategy to create a combined European army, read our article “Under Construction.

Monday 13 July 2015

Looking Back At Charleston's Peaceful Response To A Racially Motivated Massacre

After the massacre at the Methodist church in June, the city of Charleston could have easily descended into a Ferguson or Baltimore. But instead of setting buildings on fire, or looting stores, the residents of Charleston responded with a message of forgiveness and hope. Residents worked to preserve unity in their city, and in the process, they set an example for an entire nation on how to solve the race crisis. On today’s show, Stephen Flurry re-examines Charleston’s peaceful response to a dangerous psychopath who wanted to start a race war.

A Lesson for Today From Pompeii

When we watch the world around us, we need to actively work not to become numbed. We must not let ourselves begin to think that we are living in normal days—that what is happening has always happened. Extraordinary, unprecedented, earthshaking events are making headlines with increasing rapidity. Prophecy is being fulfilled like never before. The ground is rumbling. Don’t ignore it. Don’t become desensitized. Realize just how quickly the evil day could be here.

“[T]ake heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares,” Christ warned. “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth” (Luke 21:34-35).

Christ gave this warning so you could be among the few who escape the terrible events soon to strike (verse 36).

But like the residents of Pompeii and Herculaneum, most will not escape the coming world explosion. People remain confident in their own power. They deceive themselves and hold fast to an illusion of security. Meanwhile, this world hurtles toward the prophesied days of reckoning at pyroclastic-flow speeds.

“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then SUDDEN DESTRUCTION cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

Flee complacency—before it is too late.

Saturday 11 July 2015

America and Britain in Prophecy - The Trumpet Daily

Could the Bible ignore the world’s greatest superpower—or the most dominant empire in history?

Listen to the Trumpet Daily each day at 7:00 am (CST) on

The New Russia China Alliance - The Trumpet Daily

America’s status as the world’s lone superpower is rapidly fading and other nations are now vying to fill the void. Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine and is now threatening to upgrade Russia’s nuclear arsenal. China has declared a cyber war against the United States. It has established a new internationalINVESTMENT bank to challenge America’s economic supremacy. And it is also in the midst of a massive military buildup. Some Russian and Chinese media voices are now saying that war between the United States and China is not only possible—it’s inevitable!

Russia and China are rising fast on the world scene. Bible prophecy has a lot to say about the identity of these nations. Understanding the history and prophecy of these world powers is critical. On today’s program, presenter Stephen Flurry examines the latest headlines about Russia and China, and then digs into Bible prophecy to explain where it’s all leading.

Listen to the Trumpet Daily each day at 7:00 am (CST) on

A Vigilant Watchman..

Jeremiah was given a huge job: God ordained him a prophet to the nations (Jeremiah 1:5). In his lifetime he only preached his warning to Judah; he never went to Israel. So we know that if we don’t get his message out to the nations in this end time, he will have lived in vain! That’s why he wrote the message in a book.
Jeremiah could have said, this doesn’t make sense to me—why warn Israel when they’re already in captivity? But God showed him what would happen in this end time.
“Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree. Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it” (verses 11-12). As I wrote in our Jeremiah booklet, the “rod of an almond tree” could be described as “a vigilant watchman.” This prophecy shows that a vigilant watchman would come on the scene in the end time. In sending this watchman, God is giving the nations a chance to repent. God gives him a “rod,” or the authority he needs to do the job. Then he is expected to do as God tells him.
Jeremiah knew God would have to send someone to deliver His message in the end time. And that watchman must have the most important job on Earth, because we’re about to face the worst catastrophe ever, just before Christ returns!
This prophecy does not apply to Herbert W. Armstrong as specifically as it does to me. Here is why: “And the word of the Lord came unto me the second time, saying, What seest thou? And I said, I see a seething pot; and the face thereof is toward the north. Then the Lord said unto me, Out of the north an evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants of the land” (verses 13-14). This seething, boiling pot—the king of the north, or the European Union—is about to spill over all Israel. That description dates this prophecy specifically: The vigilant watchman will arrive when the pot is about to boil over. Look at Europe today, and you see a boiling pot ready to spill over at any time! It was never boiling when Mr. Armstrong was around. What he warned about all those years is really boiling today!
“And I will utter my judg­ments against them touching all their wickedness, who have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other gods, and worshipped the works of their own hands” (verse 16). This too is dated: Only God’s people can forsake Him. You can’t forsake God if you never knew Him. The world has never known Him, but God’s Church has. God’s own Laodicean Church forsakes Him just as the pot is boiling—at a time when they are most needed! So God will utter His judgments against these Laodiceans. How? Through His watchman.
Ezekiel 33 tells us that this watchman is also a prophet. Under the leadership of one man, the pcg has been warning the Laodiceans about their actions for over a decade. God rebukes them because, not only are they failing to warn the world about the boiling pot, they are adding to the workload by having to be warned ­themselves!
Though Mr. Armstrong understood a great deal of the book of Jeremiah, there was also a lot that couldn’t be revealed until after his death. That is when this watchman came on the scene.
Again, because of the time element, we can deduce that this watchman is the same individual as “that prophet.”
God says, “I will utter my judgments against them.” How will God do this? He will do it through that prophet—with the help of God’s very elect.

Arise and Speak

God gives this instruction to Jeremiah, but it is also directed, in principle, to that end-time prophet: “Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I command thee: be not dis­mayed at their faces, lest I confound thee before them” (Jeremiah 1:17). Confound comes from a Hebrew word which means “break in pieces.” God says, I’ll tell you what to speak, and you must speak it, or I’ll break you in pieces! Does that sound like a serious respon­si­bility? That warning is directed specifically to that watchman, that voice—that prophet. It is not primarily directed at the Church mem­bers; not even the mini­stry. The people urgently need to back that one man and support him in his commis­sion.
In delivering God’s mes­sage, we will face fearsome situ­a­tions. If we run as Jonah did, we will face God’s wrath. He forces us to choose: Face them, or face me.
God promises to give the watchman the strength he needs. “For, behold, I have made thee this day a defenced city, and an iron pillar, and brasen walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, against the princes thereof, against the priests thereof, and against the people of the land. And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee” (verses 18-19). God’s watchman not only must be a pillar—he must be an iron pillar! And his supporters must be iron pillars. God’s enemies will not prevail against the watchman and his supporters. We are destined to win this war because God is with us; but we will only win after many intense battles.
Again, God ordained Jeremi­­ah a prophet to the nations (verse 5). Jeremiah only went to Judah. God also ordains this end-time watchman a prophet to the nations. He must deliver Jeremi­ah’s message. The Laodiceans turn away, and God raises up a watchman to give the full message of Jeremiah, to warn them and the world of the pot about to boil over and scald all of them. All of God’s ministers and Church members are called solely to back and support that office.