Thursday 2 July 2015

The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit

After Jesus completed His ministry and returned to heaven, His apostles continued the work He had personally begun while on Earth. These men would have to carry an unpopular gospel to a hostile world. They would have to face years of persecution, ridicule and finally, for most, even martyrdom! The apostles would need faith, courage, strength, encouragement and wisdom. They would need the love, patience and endurance to follow in Christ’s steps.
The apostles would also need to recall the lessons Christ taught them. Jesus therefore said to them shortly before His trial and crucifixion: “I am not going to leave you alone in the world—I am coming to you” (John 14:18, Phillips translation). Christ would continue to teach and support the apostles, but not in the flesh. His Father in heaven would miraculously empower them in their efforts to spread the true gospel.
Christ told His apostles that the Father would send the Holy Spirit to them. It would bring to remembrance all that He taught them (John 14:26) and would impart the power they needed to be His witnesses to the world (Acts 1:8). The record of the New Testament shows this is precisely what happened.
Yet Christ did not limit the help of the Holy Spirit to the apostles alone. You too can have the power that will enable you to live the way of life leading to peace, happiness and eternal life in God’s Kingdom. God stands ready to impart spiritual strength and understanding through the gift of His Holy Spirit—if we will only comply with the conditions outlined in His Word.
Let’s understand what the Holy Spirit is and how you may receive it.

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