Friday 17 July 2015

Egypt in a State of War.

And the government will topple. The Trumpet has long forecast Egypt’s return to radical rulership. Even when Morsi was removed from office, the Trumpet said that Egypt would turn back to radicalism. We can speak with such assurance because it is prophesied in your Bible! As a part of the king of the South alliance—a combine of extremist Islamic nations led by Shiite Iran—Egypt is specifically named! Read it for yourself in Daniel 11:40-42. Here Egypt’s fate is discussed alongside that of the remaining members of the king of the South.

If this radical alliance is to come about, Egypt must again fall to the Islamists. And when you look at Libya or Tunisia, it is not too hard to see how!

While the most exact details on how this will transpire are unclear, there is no denying that we can see the seeds of this transformation being sown. Remember, Egypt’s current government and its prime minister have told the world that Egypt is at war.

Here’s what Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote in the March 2008 Philadelphia Trumpet:

We expect the most radical elements within Egypt to assume control and directly ally themselves with Iran. This worst-case scenario for the U.S. is just what the Bible prophesied will occur soon. We know the radical Islamic movement in Egypt will certainly have a lot of influence in Egyptian politics; and it’s going to swing that nation toward Iran.

Ultimately, that means bad news for Egypt because of the final outcome that is discussed in Daniel 11. Keep an eye on Egypt. Keep an eye on the terrorists in the Sinai. The nation is at war, and we can expect the Islamists to make a major comeback soon!

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