Friday 17 July 2015

How the Iranian Nuclear Deal Will Change the World

An Iranian nuclear deal has been reached. Yesterday it was announced that an agreement has been reached with Iran regarding its nuclear program. Economic sanctions will be lifted and Iran made certain concessions on its nuclear activities. This really is a huge moment for Iran, the Middle East and for the world.

Is it a good deal or a bad deal? While many of the analysts focus on that question, Trumpet Hour looks at some of the ways that this will change world events and how it actually fulfills some very important prophecies in your Bible. There are a number of ways that this is going to accelerate events in the Middle East, and beyond, that align exactly with what we have been anticipating would happen based on the prophecies of the Bible. It’s really important that we recognize just what a decisive moment in world events this really is.

How will Europe respond to the increasing dangers in the world? Discussion about the need for a strong European army is giving rise to European nations taking matters into their own hands and combining their forces. We’ll see how Europe might confront the dangers of the 21st century—and how Germany is at the center of it.

Finally Joel Hilliker ends Trumpet Hour with a lesson he learned from his first triathlon.

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